Gems zodiac sign

Gems zodiac sign
 Since ancient times, astronomers searched for the correspondence between the sign of the Zodiac, and precious and semiprecious stones, which bring good luck to their owners. Certain minerals may belong to members of any sign, while others - only certain. Astrologers believe that if worn stones contraindicated you on a horoscope, it may adversely affect the fate.
 All precious and semiprecious stones are endowed with different properties, some protection against the evil eye, and other help to achieve success in business and love, and others - to avoid health problems. Precious stones suitable for you on the Zodiac, and can be worn as jewelry, but in any case they will be playing the role of a talisman or amulet. Of course, a special magical power of the mineral can be purchased only on the person. It is the mental energy (thought) is a catalyst for the unusual properties of amulets, talismans and amulets.

Aries suit garnet and diamond. They oberegut of defeats, will give good luck and will protect against disease. Jewelery with stones data should wear so that was bodily contact. It is best to wear it around your neck or left arm. Aries also should look at the jewelry with rubies - on Indian astrology is a stones forces, abundant energy and power. Sapphires can help restore the body will give strength to the weary body. Fill the house of Aries energy family comfort, harmony and purity will rhinestone. Fame and fortune bring decoration with amethyst.

As a mascot for the bulls perfect blue turquoise, it can help to find her betrothed and succeed in their personal lives. It is believed that the emerald jewelry will not only provide a refreshing and soothing effects, but also lead to the glory of its owner. Alexandrite should be worn with caution, since it can not only endow man of great spiritual power and wisdom, but also attract trouble. Taurus-travelers as a mascot would be the best beryl. This stone is a symbol of heat and sunlight, and helps in travel and protects from adversity.

Twins should opt for chrysoprase, it will bring peace of mind and protection from defamation, the evil eye and envy. Strong spirit and mentally stable people fit as an amulet sea pearls. Remove the pain and help absorb excess energy nephritis. He's in everyday life will inspire change and help break the deadlock.

Moonstone and emerald is considered a talisman for those born under the sign of Cancer. So emerald worth wearing those who want to be protected from the influence of evil spells and misery, to get help in the study of philosophy and research. It is believed that moonstone attracts love, anger and eliminates internal stress. Best talisman family hearth for Cancers is beryl, he also preserved fortress of conjugal ties and improve relations between children and parents.

Born under the sign of Leo suitable stones sunlight: topaz, amber, olivine and chrysolite. It is believed that gold jewelry with chrysolite can show its owner the future. Amber will help to develop creativity and ruby ​​strengthen the will power and intuition. Lions bring luck citrine.

Virgos are perfect jewelry with jade in China believe that bunch of love, preserving the beauty and protect against disease. Carnelian give shy Virgo confidence and help avoid bad mood. Citrine bring good luck in travel, wealth and enhance persuasion.

Libra suitable for jewelry with opal helping noble people succeed in all endeavors. Rhinestone rid of nightmares, and if you wear it in a ring, it will not freeze. Strengthen mental abilities, cure laziness and improve mood - aquamarine.

Blood-red stones suitable for jewelry Scorpios. So give coral owner modesty and ruby ​​- give power, courage and wisdom. Happiness in family life will help to find grenades. Topaz will develop in Scorpio honesty, integrity and generosity.

Sagittarius should give preference jewelry with zircon and protected from fatigue and hardship, develops the mind and the desire for knowledge. Amethyst helps find inner harmony, peace and true love. Topaz drive away sadness and anger, give a feeling of serene pleasure and an optimistic outlook on life.

Jewelry with malachite able to develop in Capricorn wearing their spiritual strength. This stone helps scientists, as well as protection against the evil eye and diseases. Spinel will feed energy to its owner, and zircon enhance memory, increase the uptake and arouse the desire to know the truth and science.

Born under the sign of Aquarius is suitable as mascot grenades, it will help avoid an accident and create a good mood. Beads or ring with amethyst get rid of internal disorder, mental agitation and anxiety. Aquamarine will contribute to happiness in a married couple, respect and mutual love.

The main stumbling for Pisces is the pearl. He will bring happiness, will contribute to longevity and prosperity, as well as save from unrequited love and the evil eye. Ring with pearl will protect you from fraudulent transactions and thieves. Jewelry with coral strengthen memory, and scare away the temptations of demons.

Tags: sign, mascot, stone, horoscope