
 Dukachi - women's jewelry, the element of traditional Ukrainian costume. Consists of a medal or coin with great do the aperture or eyelet for wear. Can be decorated with precious stones or metal bow. The name is directly related to ducats - gold coins, which received an award Ukrainian mercenaries in Europe. Sometimes money is replaced ...
 Dukachi - women's jewelry, the element of traditional Ukrainian costume. Consists of a medal or coin with great do the aperture or eyelet for wear. Can be decorated with precious stones or metal bow. The name is directly related to ducats - gold coins, which received an award Ukrainian mercenaries in Europe. Sometimes money is replaced medals. Over time, this has become a mark of distinction in women's jewelry.

Dukachi worn around the neck, combining them with numerous coral beads. Coins are a kind of sign of growing girls: they are often given for a wedding or transferred daughters as heirloom.