Birthstone for Snakes

Birthstone for Snakes
 According to the Chinese calendar, people born in 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, born in the Year of the Snake. In the East, the serpent is honored for his wisdom, kindness and insight. Typically, the snake woman is beautiful and is a success, and a man - charming and romantic. Mascot for Snakes can be an expensive watch, or spinel stone figure of chrysotile.
 Spinel stone is often used in jewelry. Most often, jewelers prefer dark red stones or stones that can change color depending on the lighting. Also spinel can be black, greenish, brownish or gray-blue color, varying degrees of transparency and color. In ancient times this stone is often confused with ruby. The best specimens are found in museum collections, decorated with jewels kings.

Spinel is used in medicine since ancient times, it treats eye diseases, strengthens the immune system, can improve blood circulation. Constant wearing of carrying this stone weaken pain and help in the treatment of gastric diseases, however, can lead to liver disease and metabolic disorders. This wonderful stone can also reduce the feeling of thirst.

Energy is very strong mineral, so may not be suitable for everyone. For people born in the Year of the Snake, spinel bring happiness in life. If you do this, and Leo, that is born from 23 July to 22 August, this stone will send you extra energy, fueled from Space.

It is not necessary to wear spinel constantly, as he once patronized by two planets - Jupiter and Venus and the sun. It is a stone of fortune, and it is quite capricious. Wear jewelry with spinel, if need luck in love or money. Too long can lead to wearing relaxed and dreamy, whose price - bad luck.

Another stone that can bring happiness Serpent - beryl. This stone golden-green or yellowish in color, with numerous medicinal properties. Peridot will prevent the snake from bad dreams and foolish acts, endowed with the gift to foresee the future.

Since ancient times, it is believed that beryl bring into the house of happiness and peaceful life, so you can put the figure of a fish or an animal of this stone in a prominent place in the house. In addition, the beryl attracted to the house wealth and stability.

Particularly well suited beryl Snakes born under the sign of Pisces, it helps them to avoid conflict. To bring back the joy of life and to get rid of boredom, you need to wear amulets made from this material for a long time.

Tags: year, serpent, mascot, stone, happiness, spinel