Underwear for virtual sex, not in words

 Sex in the distance you can now not only in words but also in deeds. Though not without the help of the Internet. Well, at least that!

Sex must first of all be safe, according to a well-known manufacturer of condoms Durex. And that no matter how virtual sex is the safest. However, the main problem with this fun - lack of tactile contact between partners. Undertook to eliminate this injustice in the representation of Durex in Australia. There developed underwear for men and women, which allows touch touchpad partner through a mobile device with the help of the program.

Underwear for virtual sex, not in words

Wearing a so-called Fundawear, download the app on your phone, set up a web camera, amateur virtual sex can arrange each other erotic massage or anything hot, without leaving their apartments. Monitor the response of the touch help servers Amazon, instantly transmit signals movements anywhere in the world online. Besides it is stated that the invention is also capable of transmitting pressing force and the direction and intensity of the movement.