Truth in water: Scientists of the cheapest ways to lose weight

 It is unlikely that the last message from the scientists at Virginia Tech was a major discovery. Once again sounded: the use of water before meals helps harmony.  
But, despite the evidence of this fact, a lot of girls continues to spend money on expensive programs for weight loss and harass a calorie counting. While returning to the discovery of scientists from Virginia, it is enough to drink a glass of clean water before meals to reduce the amount of food consumed. Their observations of slimming women allowed to conclude: lose weight much more efficient ones that drink water. Given that diet consisted of some products.
Well, then even if you are not puzzled by weight loss, do not ignore the consumption of water. Binding rules - about 2, 5 liters of fluid a day. It enters the human body from food and beverages. Well, if most of the liquid will flow in pure form. Consumption of clean water - the best prevention of many diseases: education of kidney stones, metabolic disorders, and if we replace sugary drinks to water, and diabetes.
Thus, water - the simplest way to bring the body and the body in good shape.