Proved that a little wine will save us from depression

 Spanish researchers conducted another study on the impact of wine on the human body. Another plus for the moderate use of alcohol good.
It's hard to say that scientists are concerned more - the problem of modern epidemic of depression or attempt to give a final assessment of alcohol: it brings benefit or harm. Excessive consumption of wine has grave consequences for the whole organism, impairs brain function. However, to the best of it, on the contrary, his condition improves - prevents the development of heart disease, the occurrence of gallstones, cancer and even the ability to prolong life.
Now it turned out that a glass of wine a day would be a good remedy for depression. The result of seven years of research, which involved five and a half thousand people, was the conclusion that the regular use of alcohol in small quantities significantly reduces the risk of falling into depression. Spaniards aged 55 to 80 who drank two to seven glasses of wine a day, the symptoms of depression is almost not observed, but in a good mood - often.
Researchers have attributed all the credit component resveratrol, contained in wine. He has a positive effect on the activity of the brain, and many processes in the body. In addition to wine, resveratrol is found in nuts and cocoa.
So off depression - the rank-ching!