In London, roasted and eaten a piece of artificial meat

 Thanks to the Dutch scientist Mark Post mankind became available to create artificial meat. Beef can now be made without the participation of the cows.
141-gram piece of beef grown Mark Post in the laboratory from stem cells of the cow. It consists of two tens of thousands of muscle fibers, and its cost is estimated at more than $ 380 million.
Today, two volunteers from the media will try hamburger with cutlet of artificial meat. The event will be held in a London restaurant and will be broadcast on the Internet. Mark Post fry meat not trust even the eminent British chef Heston Blumenthal, has promised to do it myself.
It is known that farmed beef is devoid of any taste, that is, according to scientists, is sterile. How would a hamburger as a result of the new generation, we learn from the comments of journalists tonight.
In connection with this event to mankind hold great promise. According to scientists laboratory production of meat will eventually be much cheaper than the traditional. The next step - creating propotipov lamb, pork, chicken. And for gourmets - improving palatability of artificial meat.