Many couples deciding to become parents, genuinely puzzled: why something to plan, if the child has not even conceived? Clinicians are absolutely sure that the planning conception, not just pregnancy - not a fad, but a must.
Pregnancy - is a serious condition that requires the mobilization of all the systems of the female body. Therefore, the question
"How to Prepare to conceive a child? » should be approached responsibly. Because it affects not only will you havequickly get pregnantBut also the health of your unborn child.
Many women believe that the most important attribute, which indicates the proper operation of the female body - a regular monthly. Of course, a stable cycle - this is important. But regular cycle does not guarantee a quick conception. Certain problems in the body, which can prevent pregnancy offensive, are not connected with regular cycles. In addition, it is worth remembering, and that some diseases can be transmitted from mother to child, so it is advisable to ensure their absence or cope with the disease prior to conception.
Note that the exacerbation of chronic disease may complicate pregnancy, so if you suffer from chronic diseases, at the planning stage of conception should visit the attending physician and discuss with him the possibility of pregnancy.
At the same time to dwell on the certificate is not worth it. Access to a doctor should not become a crusade for absolute health. Otherwise, you can not avoid stress, which is one of the main enemies of successful conception. And there is a scientific explanation: in a state of stress in the blood levels of prolactin. However, decreasing the level of progesterone that is necessary for conception and pregnancy. It is fraught with violations of ovulation and
quickly get pregnant you are unlikely to succeed. Of course, entirely without experience in modern life can not do, but try to they did not develop into a permanent tension.
A great way to stress and improve fertility (reproductive capacity) - exercise. Just do not overdo it - now is not the time to grueling workouts, weightlifting and marathon races. It is enough for 30-60 minutes aerobic exercise several times a week. Pay special attention to exercises that strengthen the back muscles and abdominals. During pregnancy, your body will thank you for it.
And do not forget to watch my weight! Excess weight, its lack of sharp fluctuation or upset the balance of the hormonal system and reduce the chances of getting pregnant. It is proved that for the conception and normal pregnancy ideal body mass index ranging from 18 5 to 24. When a body mass index above 25, fertility decreases, but twice the risk of complications during pregnancy, for example, may appear gestational diabetes (diabetes mellitus during pregnancy). If a body mass index greater than 35, the risk of complications such triples. However, excessive thinness also may prevent conception. This is due to the fact that women with a body mass index less than 18, it is very often a hormonal imbalance and lack of the hormone estrogen. So it is better to find a middle ground and normalize your weight at the first stage of preparation for conception.
Surely, everyone knows that the future parents should give up alcohol and quit smoking ... Everybody knows, but follow this recommendation but a few. Therefore, discussing how
prepare to conceive a childCan not ignore the question of bad habits.
Not only that alcohol and nicotine at all harmful to health, smoking and addiction to alcohol vapors planning significantly reduces both male and female fertility and can cause congenital diseases in the baby. It is proved that for the expectant mother smoking process is fraught with violations of embryo implantation in the uterine wall. Drinking alcohol leads to a decrease in the concentration of sperm in the ejaculate, but also violates the processes of fertilization and can cause mental and physical abnormalities in the child.
Chance of pregnancy depends on the diet. Lack of certain nutrients in the diet of women - a kind of signal to her body, which "unfavorable external environment." As you may have guessed, the conception in this mode is unlikely. But even if it happens to a shortage of vitamins and minerals in the uterus can not properly form the placenta and fetus new blood vessels, and its cells will not grow and divide. In addition, increases the risk of neural tube defects. This may lead either to miscarriage, or to the fact that the child will be born with abnormalities.
By the way, neural tube defects in the baby are often the result of deficiency in the mother of folic acid. Cause miscarriage may also lack the body of magnesium women planning. Vitamin C deficiency increases the risk of premature rupture of membranes, and the shortage of zinc can be premature detachment of the placenta and the development of congenital diseases in the baby.
Therefore, make sure that the diet in preparation for pregnancy was balanced, and all the necessary vitamins, minerals and amino acids coming into your body on a daily basis in the required amounts.
It is desirable to abandon canned, semi-caffeinated beverages. But complex carbohydrates, which are part of the grain bread and brown rice, the expectant mother will only benefit. As, however, and vegetable protein, which is found in nuts and legumes. Still eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, fish (especially marine) and seafood.
Unfortunately, in our time, the nutrient content of foods is not always enough. Therefore, even the most well-balanced diet - not a guarantee that your body will be provided with all necessary for conception micronutrients. Thus, to receive a daily dose of folic acid, it is necessary to eat 1 kg (!) Cabbage. Each day and exclusively in the form of cheese, because at a heat treatment to 80-95% of folic acid is lost. Agree, this is hardly realistic!
Therefore, in the planning period of pregnancy are advised to take special vitamins and minerals that make up deficiency in micronutrients and help prepare the female body for conception.
Vitamin complex "Pregnoton" specially designed for expectant mothers. It consists of vitamins B6, E, C, folic acid, arginine, magnesium, selenium, zinc, an extract of Vitex (prostrate summer cypress). Begin receiving "Pregnotona" should be 3 months before planned conception. This period is usually sufficient to normalize the drug had the female reproductive system.
Note that in the "Pregnotona" no hormones, but it contains substances that enable you to solve a hormonal imbalance in the body of the expectant mother. In particular, "Pregnoton" helps to cope with increased prolactin - hormone that prevents pregnancy.
Let us not ignore the role in the conception of the future father, because about half of the cases, when the couple for a long time can not have a baby, is associated with reproductive problems in men.
Normalize the male reproductive system will help the combined preparation "Spematon." Its natural vitamin E, zinc, and the amino acid L-carnitine stimulate spermatogenesis, sperm concentration increases, the mobility increases and improves the morphological structure. Like "Pregnoton", "Spematon" should begin to take 3 months before planned conception.
As you can see, increasing
chances of getting pregnant largely depend on the future parents. Of course, the preparation for the conception require some self-restraint and work on yourself. But, you see, when it comes to the health of your unborn child, it is a snap to give up bad habits to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet and regularly take special vitamins for planning pregnancy.
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