How to learn the fate of date of birth

How to learn the fate of date of birth
 Users numbers and figures are paying the lion's share of its own attention. Even individuals who strongly believe in numerology, certainly refuse to stay in hotel suites at number 13, will be happy "happy" bus ticket and will carefully select the date of his wedding. By the way, is considered magical and date of birth. The fact is that nothing takes people more than a strong desire to learn the art of control destiny.  
 Even in the era of the notorious Babylon man endowed number of special significance. In this way, people whose number is considered to be two, is weak, sensitive and very passive. To learn more entertaining information about their own fate, the person must be known to his date of birth. For example, 26.04.1988. To determine their own destiny need to add the numbers of birth, then the month, and then - a year. Refers to the following: 2 + 6 = 8, 0 + 4 = 4, 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 26. Now is the total sum of digits of the date of birth: 8 + 4 + 26 = 38 = 3 + 8 = 11. As a result of the above operation, a specific number, which has its own characteristic in numerology.

Decoding the most common results

1 - individuals, the number of which was the unit is a gorgeous careerists. Of them can go great professionals-leaders. The fact that they are natural leaders.

2 - enough contacts. The main factor of a happy life for them is communication. They get great pleasure from finding other people around, helping them. By the way, a man-deuce simply manipulated. He is ready to help always, discarding their own care.

3 - funny, talented, gifted, sociable people. Their main problem may be some "superficial" attitude to their own lives. Work, they always prefer a stunning holiday.

4 - stand in contrast to the "troika". Creepy workaholics. For them, work is ranked first in the list of different priorities in life. These people love to perform all kinds of orders, obey. Their ability to work and responsibility are capable of causing an enviable respect.

5 - the people of this kind is absolutely unstable. They constantly change their own preferences. Moreover, man-the "five" is absolutely devoid of such qualities as self-organization. For this reason, often outside the control of them turns out to be extremely useful.

6 - balanced, calm, love to learn. Such people may be for a loved one and family sacrifice their own interests.

7 - it's all lovers of the mysterious and unidentified. They're looking for clues unexplained phenomena, learning the secrets of knowledge. Are likely to be magicians, psychologists and sorcerers, and sometimes easily fall into various sects.

8 - to the core business. Are excellent financial analysts and experts in the field of marketing. All that comes to money - is the sphere of their success. The downside is their unmatched avarice.

9 - people whose purpose is self-education and personal growth. Everything else that is tangible, they have little interest.

11 - confident, strong people, who are more likely to be protected from interference by unauthorized people. The most important thing in their lives - it is their relatives and close friends.

22 - those designed to change the world for the better. This teacher of mankind, gurus, are better able than others to know the essence of things. Many of them are politicians and religious figures.

Tags: birth, date, amount, fate, figure, art