Effect of date of birth on the fate

Effect of date of birth on the fate
 Numerology attracts people the possibility of using numbers to identify destiny. Their schools and numerological system were in ancient China, Greece, Egypt, Japan. It was believed that a person's birth date - day, month and year, has a direct effect on his character and actions, determines the quality of his personality and the twists of fate.

To get the number of the day of birth, which can have an impact on your destiny, to do simple addition of all the figures that make up the full date of your birth.

For example, if you were born on May 15, 1973, the sequence is this: 1 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 3 = 31. Get more number 9 (nine base numbers), so add the numbers that make it: 3 + 1 = 4. So you got a number of his birthday, represent your inner qualities and character traits that are likely to affect the course of your life.

If you find your number birthday and look at its properties, it is possible, in many respects, you can not only know yourself, but also to try to change their destiny for the better.

Number 1

This number is the glory, the propensity to action, strength, ambition. Man must go its own way, without turning and without deviating from the selected route. You will only succeed if you stick to the progressive and direct action to avoid selfishness, greed and conflict, to protect friendly relations.

Number 2

Balance in everything - in the mood and manner to behave. People "number 2" are always looking for a compromise solution to avoid conflict and try to smooth out the rough edges in the relationship. However, they exhibit excessive prudence, give advice annoying others and unable to sort out their own problems. They are useful to take life as it is, pay more attention to their problems, rather than on the problems of their loved ones. For successful work they need companions performers, because they themselves "two" are full of creative ideas.

Number 3

People with the number of births "3" inherent wit, the ability to quickly assimilate the knowledge to recognize favorable circumstances and to enjoy. Also, these people can easily relate to life, seek entertainment, pleasant surroundings and those who will entertain them. They believe in themselves, but rarely look beyond the present day, not planning for the future, rapid success prefer long-term plans.

Number 4

The number "4" attached to its "owner" diligence, prudence, steadiness. Such people avoid risky, adventurous enterprises prefer to deal in all by yourself. They are honest, reliable, and do not bend under the blows of fate. Do not tolerate cheating and do not need to enter yourself into the hype - otherwise you may lose a lot of money. In a professional sense, quite wealthy - can get a good basis for further education and learn a trade.

Number 5

This number is most common in positive natures risky enthusiasts prone to adventure and adventures. This cosmopolitan, in any place on the planet feels at home who love traveling, studying with interest all new, including foreign languages. People number "5" quickly find a way out of any difficult situation. They are witty and resourceful. At a certain "farsightedness" they suffer "myopia" - they are always attracted by the fact that far, and what is at the threshold of their own, they often do not notice.

Number 6

People with the number of the birth "6" frank, honest and reliable. They are in the world of progress, the desire to improve the situation as a whole environment as a whole, in particular close friends. They are good at their job, perform assignments in the best possible way, with the wish to get a well-deserved reward not in terms of financial reward, but in the form of respect and repute. Their achievements, which apparently does not cost them a lot of effort, can cause irritation in others, and their seemingly dispassionate and restraint do not cause much sympathy.

Number 7

This number represents the mystery and knowledge - a very controversial symbiosis. On the one hand - diligence and poetry, on the other - a tendency to think analytically and strong intuition. This is the number of composers, musicians, poets and philosophers, thinkers and hermits. Such people prefer privacy noisy companies. Weaker nature often suffer from pessimism and depression, and the strong achieve great success, often of global significance.

Number 8

This number represents the entrepreneurial spirit, courage in all spheres of life, success in business and commerce. Users of this number have a strong will and character, always conceived and put into practice their plans. Life only whet their barriers, increase energy and desire to succeed. This innate administrators, politicians, military, businessmen - sometimes ruthless and tough. To select another decisive factor is the wealth and position in society.

Number 9

It's creators, intellectuals, creators, the world of art. Number of people with birthdays "9" will be successful is on the creative field, not in the business world or in the military. This is the number of inventors, explorers, musicians, able to give the world the opportunity to make a new milestone in the development. The problem of such people is often that they can not decide which way to go. It depends on the ability and desire to merge if they manage to combine - success will be great.

Additional number

Number 11

The number "11" - a detailed designation of "2". Gives a person the birth of "2" more determination, the rest corresponds to "2".

Number 22

This number equals the number "4", slightly shifts the balance toward the inner world over the external.

Tags: birth, date, character, number, fortune, influence, numerology