Do not be shy: cry during sex is useful

 Neighbors complain that you're too loud having sex? Explain to them that it is useful, and let them try.

Researchers at the University of Leeds supporters quiet sex advised to reconsider their views on the intimate side of life. As a result, the survey revealed that women who do not restrain themselves during intercourse, receive from it more fun.

It was found that in 92% of cases published moan partner increases the other self-esteem. In addition, it also serves as an indicator that will come soon orgasm. By the way, more than half of women deliberately increase its own volume during sex, thinking that it will help partners to quickly get satisfaction. And when the feeling of being a man is about to reach orgasm, the number of moans and cries of women increases. However, this should not be ashamed of, because in this way a person just get better sexually liberated, and therefore, have more fun and deliver it to the partner.