Count calories on a diet is useless

 Count calories on a diet seems natural. Ate so much, so much spent - a severe mathematical approach. However, scientists North Carolina think otherwise.

Researchers believe that counting calories in the form in which it is done now, is outdated. Firstly, because all current Indicated energy content of product was estimated as many as in the nineteenth century. The same statistical almonds with its 170 calories actually contains 40 calories less.

Secondly, when counting calories is not considered such a simple thing as metabolism, which in each individual copes with calories differently. In addition, should also take into account in any form is consumed by a particular product. For example, raw vegetables contain any calories, while the same vegetables in processed form (say, fried or baked) will keep them more. Take an ordinary sandwich. Sandwich on whole-grain bread contains 10% fewer calories than the same sandwich on ordinary white bread. Thus, American scientists advise or does not pay attention to calorie foods while dieting or counting approach to their more "professional."