Cooking shows lead to obesity

 If you are trying to lose weight, lying in front of you can bring up a Snickers you willpower. However, this method makes it not always. Roughly the same effect have cooking shows on television.

American scientists are advised to refrain from watching cooking programs during weight loss (even if these programs about healthy eating). The researchers set up an experiment in which volunteers were asked to watch a program about food and about nature. In this case, they were faced with three plates. One was a chocolate, on the other - the cheese, and the third - carrot.

It was found that food shows forced people to eat more chocolate and cheese. Those who watched programs about nature, mostly carrot snack. Food inspires food. This is the conclusion reached by researchers Hobart College and Smith. Seen on the screen food irritates the stomach and taste buds, they who need to reassure them with a piece of something fatty or sweet.