CIA - Work for Women

 Julia Pearson - the first female director in the history of the secret services, which exists in almost half a century.

In the new responsibilities 53-year-old Julia Pearson, who worked for the CIA for nearly thirty years in administrative positions, is to protect Barack Obama and his family, all former presidents of America and their international guests. As well as protecting the country's finances against counterfeiting. This is not an easy burden to get her with the honor of leading the Secret Service. Appointment of Julie Pearson this diluted too masculine, according to critics of Obama, a government compound that formed the president after his second appointment.

CIA - Work for Women

Though it seems that the protection of life of the president - a man's job, the representatives of the stronger sex in this position many times recently occurred incidents. For the most part because of problems with women: the repeated abuse of alcohol and an appeal to the services of prostitutes during foreign visits of President, treason and other wives. Julia Pearson will restore the reputation of the CIA, to demonstrate their abilities and special agent manager, because the state of the Secret Service employs about 20,000 people.
Top menedzhent CIA, in addition to Julia Pearson, was increased by one representative of the fair sex. The employee, whose name was not disclosed, will lead the department to recruit special agents. Thus, the leaders of American spies and bodyguards will be replaced by gender. As planned by Obama, these changes will restore the status of the CIA, and the quality of work will not be harmed.