Wedding beliefs and superstitions

 Wedding - one of the most important moments in the life of every person and of course, the couple are wondering whether there is a happy marriage is coming, how the rest of their life together in the future. All of these fears, doubts, the desire to find happiness in marriage and created a number of wedding omens and superstitions. And, did not create today - after all, twenty, a hundred or a thousand years ago, people were also united in pairs, and also very much like to know what kind of future awaits them. It was then that began to appear and various signs, beliefs that could give hope for a good future, give confidence unnecessarily waves and warn against some unpleasant moments.

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Especially prevalentWedding beliefs and superstitionsAssociated with wedding rings and wedding dress bride - as an essential attribute and the main symbol of any wedding. That's what they sayWedding beliefs and superstitions of rings:

• Wedding rings can not try anyone except the bride and groom;
• To life in the new family was smooth, ring should be smooth too, should not buy rings with stones, various inserts and bends;
• After exchanging rings or the bride or groom can not pick up a box, in which lay the ring. It is best if the box will take a young unmarried girl, it is believed that soon after she marries;
• To drop the wedding ring in the registry office - to the inevitable separation;
• At the wedding can not wear other rings, wedding only;
• Lose the wedding ring - to divorce.

Wedding beliefs and superstitionsThat are associated with the dress and appearance of the bride:

• Wedding dress should be white, especially if the bride - a virgin;
• Dress necessarily have to be continuous, rather than a separate corset and skirt to the spouses are not held separately;
• Bride must be new, you can not buy a dress with hands or take it for hire, if save on paying now - the whole life will be held in debt;
• Wedding dress may not be sold, this will lead to the disintegration of the marriage;
• Bridegroom in any case can not see the bride before the wedding dress;
• The bride should wear a dress over her head, and not through the legs;
• The bride before the wedding should not see themselves in the mirror in full dress, should not miss at least some small details, such as wedding gloves, or be a nuisance;
• At the hem wedding dress or other inconspicuous area is recommended to make a few blue stitches to protect the bride from the evil eye;
• If your wedding dress has buttons, their number should not be odd;
• Wedding dress should not be too deep neckline and shoulders of the bride should not be naked, so as not to attract the attention of envious people and to protect to protect the bride from the evil eye;
• Underwear for the bride should be white;
• The bride can not wear jewelry made of pearls - is to tears;
• At the wedding is not recommended to wear jewelry, costume jewelry is better to prefer;
• No unauthorized people can not be correct clothes for the bride and groom;
• Do not wear a wedding sandals, shoes should definitely have a closed toe;
• Old shoes will help to make a marriage happy, therefore, buying wedding shoes, bride recommended resemble them at least one day before the wedding;
• In the shoes of the bride should not be shoelaces;
• No fasteners on shoes bride - easy delivery in the future.

Before marriage taken to comply with the followingWedding beliefs and superstitions:

• Even if the bride and groom live together, the night before the wedding should go apart;
• Taking the bride from her parents, you can not turn around;
• The bride and groom before the wedding can not be photographed together and separately after the wedding - it would lead to a parting;
• When the bride leaves the house, her face should be covered by a veil or a veil to protect against the evil eye;
• If your wedding day in the morning in the house sneezes one of the relatives, the marriage will be happy;
• To the newlyweds waiting for the sweet life, they should secretly eat a chocolate bar for two to the registry office;
• We can not allow someone crossing the road the bride and groom who go to the registrar.

OthersWedding beliefs and superstitions:

• After the wedding ceremony the bride gives a coin to get rid of the troubles in living together;
• The first glass of champagne decided to break "for luck." If large pieces of glass - a boy in the family, if the small-girl;
• The young wife can not cross the threshold of a new home. Traditionally, the bride carries her in his arms;
• At the banquet, the couple can dance only with each other. The only exception is the dance with her parents, after which parents should again bring the newlyweds to each other;
• During the day, the bride should keep the wedding bouquet in hands. At the banquet should be put in a vase in front of him, and then put in the bedroom;
• If your wedding day is snow or rain - the young will be happy;
• In addition guests can be anyone, but not black;
• Witnesses must be unmarried, not be invited to witness divorced or married people, it will lead to separation.

Everyone who decides to believe in himWedding beliefs and superstitions or consider it a relic of the past. After all, ultimately, play a crucial role not omens and superstitions, and the love and understanding of the spouses. And the signs only help you feel more confident in such a crucial moment.

 Julia Ivanova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: shoe, buckle, sign, superstition, quilting