Horoscope bad habits

Horoscope bad habits
 Most often, bad habits include alcoholism, smoking and drug abuse. Recently, however, equate them and become obese. It is believed that a predisposition to a particular "sin" and may be due to the relationship of man to a particular zodiac sign.
March 21 - April 20

Alcohol. Overreliance on alcoholic beverages can lead to undesirable consequences. Of course, sometimes you can relax, but regularly de-stress glass Mahito still not worth it.

Smoking. Expensive varieties of tobacco and prestigious brands of cigarettes, though increase their self-esteem of Aries, but should not be a barrier to quitting.

Sweets. If you want to amuse your ego something sweet, it is better to opt for this nuts or raisins. And the mood has improved, and the benefits for the body.

April 21 - May 20

Alcohol. The ability to control the amount of alcohol consumed may disappear as soon as someone from friends offer to drink a couple of glasses a race.

Smoking. Determination helps Taurus goodbye the habit at any time, that's just an excuse for it to be special.

Sweets. The natural desire to better meet the consumption of sweet as incurred. Do not skimp on delicious candy or exotic fruits.

May 21 - June 20

Alcohol. Perhaps the only sign that has an innate aversion to alcohol.

Smoking. Violation of inner peace at times accompanied by the desire to reach for a cigarette. It is better to find other ways to relieve stress.

Sweets. If the soul gloomy and sad, and the hand reaches for a chocolate bar, try a radical method. A couple of juicy oranges much more useful than a couple of extra pounds.

June 21 - July 22

Alcohol. Natural inclinations can not play in your favor. It is necessary to consider ordering another glass of wine at the bar.

Smoking. Attempts to find support in zakurennoy cigarette only lead to a depressed state, not more. Smile and high spirits encourage efficient.

Sweets. Remember that the pleasure in life is not focused on eating sweets, there are many ways to cheer yourself up.

July 23 - August 23

Alcohol. Being at the center of any company, and Leo can not use "for the company," a pair of glasses skate. That's just about it, he sometimes forgets.

Smoking. Fatigue and trouble can be overcome refreshing shower or a deep sleep, not once smoked a cigarette.

Sweets. Insatiable appetite may play a cruel joke with you, try to keep yourself in the hands at the sight of sweets.

August 24 - September 23

Alcohol. Note that the map has a bar and soft drinks. So better acquainted with the whole menu and the waiter did not speak commonplace: "I, as usual."

Smoking. In order for you to increase the fruitfulness of labor, just enough to give up the familiar, and the now regular cigarettes.

Sweets. Prevention is better than cure. Remember this, eating a piece of cake cake. Then get rid of the calories obtained will be much more difficult.

September 24 - October 23

Alcohol. Scales are choosing quality, which is quite acceptable. This glass of Italian wine dinner will do more good than harm.

Smoking. You - romantic nature. But remember, romance and tobacco smoke - two completely different state.

Sweets. The presence of common sense helps you not to increase the number of sweets in your life.

October 24 - November 23

Alcohol. Severe stress can easily knock you out of the normal rhythm of life, you can relax with a glass of liquor. That's just it quickly becomes a habit. Can find other ways to relieve stress?

Smoking. Unbalanced nature prevents you do in life, and in particular when trying to quit smoking.

Sweets. If you want to restore the energy potential, prefer dark red apples, rather than a chocolate bar.

November 24 - December 22

Alcohol. Sagittarius should learn how to handle themselves, and not the glass, when peaceful gatherings are beginning to move seamlessly into a noisy party.

Smoking. Only own common sense will help you overcome addiction to smoking.

Sweets. Sagittarians just love sweets, but to go to the dentist for some reason do not. So maybe better to give up first?

December 23 - January 20

Alcohol. Loneliness and boredom sometimes pushes Capricorn to the idea that the only way to cheer up - it's a glass of wine, but better yet to find another means.

Smoking. Health you value more than smoke a proposal "for the company" a couple of cigarettes.

Sweets. Discipline helps you keep yourself in shape. But if suddenly you become sad, you do not pay attention to the amount of calories in a piece of cheesecake, quietly tuck you.

January 21 - February 19

Alcohol. Only goodness and generosity makes Aquarius accept an invitation to another party, since he is indifferent to alcohol.

Smoking. Encourage Aquarian refuse cigarettes can only self-preservation instinct.

Sweets. Rather than absorb alone candy, give them to friends. Get as moral satisfaction and gratitude from his own body.

February 20 - March 20

Alcohol. Creativity can be sunk in a glass of whiskey. Why do you need it?

Smoking. Only foreign influence can push you to pick up a cigarette.

Sweets. Strictly and impartially monitor your diet stopping you only own distraction. Pull yourself together and move on my own vase with sweets.

 Author: Elena Shchukin

Tags: habit, horoscope