Zemfira released a new album

 On the night of 13 on February 14, apparently as a gift to all whose hearts are in the pleasant anxiety, Zemfira laid out in free access to the new album.

The long-awaited album "Live in your head" returns to our ears Zemfira, on which all had much to miss. It does not explode ideas about music, not shocking or surprising just nice to hear new Zemfira, as was his habit to sneak into the heart. Two tracks from the album - "Not a chance" and "Money" - could be heard before, the rest of the work was first heard.

The album is laid out in free access to Yandeks.Muzyka, you can download or listen online. And tomorrow in Tomsk tour begins, and all the concerts album "Live in your head" will be available on the disks.

Zemfira released a new album