African motifs in the new collection Freywille

 Jewelry House Freywille the end of winter has released an invigorating bright collection The Spirit of Africa, devoted to mysterious Africa. Two of its main motif - animalic and ethnic patterns.

Inspiration Safari series became an exciting journey through the wilderness of Africa, and it can take off your jewelry collection to associate. Enamel bracelets, earrings, pendants and watches depicted prints zebra, giraffe and cheetah. Complement their traditional ethnic patterns.

The second series is dedicated to the amazing volcano Kilimanjaro Kilimanjaro, the highest point in Africa. The basis of the jewelery of the series went to African national patterns on clothing, peeped designers Freywille local Aboriginal settlements. In this series of jewelry blue sky and snow-capped peaks of Kilimanjaro supplemented with African ornaments lizards and birds.
African motifs in the new collection Freywille
African motifs in the new collection Freywille
African motifs in the new collection Freywille
African motifs in the new collection Freywille