Vegetable and animal proteins

Vegetable and animal proteins
 Almost 50% of the dry weight of all life on earth - are proteins. Proteins are polymers that are composed of amino acids. This is the basis of the structure of all the organs, all the cells in our body. Proteins are part of the brain, heart, muscles, bones, they are the building blocks for the formation of hormones, enzymes, hemoglobin. Protein molecules are involved in all important life processes. Formation of protein - it is an ongoing process that occurs in the body. Using specialized proteins (antibodies) are protected from dangerous organism of bacteria and viruses. Our body contains 20 amino acids, 12 of which can be synthesized themselves, and 8 (essential amino acids) must be ingested with food. Women's magazine JustLady talk with you today about the plant and animal proteins.

Vegetable and animal proteins - Is the basis for normal body function. If at least one of the eight essential amino acids stops ingested, it will begin protein deficiency, which leads to serious consequences. Vegetable and animal proteins is particularly necessary for children - their organism grows, new cells are created and, therefore, they need building material.Vegetable and animal proteins not only required by the body to build the cells, but also to produce a number of hormones and many other important processes.

What can cause a deficit of vegetable and animal protein? To very serious consequences. Of particularly dangerous - immune deficiency. Thus, adult needs daily admission protein per 1 g per 1 kg of body weight, where women - not less than 55 g per day for men - not less than 70 g per day. Children daily need to consume at least 60 grams of protein. Moreover, for an adult human requires additional protein (still 15%) for energy expenditure. Naturally, this man should lead a more or less sedentary life and to engage in any physical activity. Otherwise, if the protein will flow, and the energy is not expended, the protein will begin to build up and converted to urea.

It's no secret that in a society being very active debate about whether vegetarianism, whether it is useful if you want to consumevegetable and animal proteins together, or just enough vegetable. We will not dwell on this question in detail, because it is ambiguous topic that requires a separate discussion. But if short, the only vegetable or animal proteins only (excluding eggs) can not provide the balance of amino acids needed to complete the work of the body. As mentioned above, if at least one of the eight essential amino acids will not do, it will inhibit the absorption of others. Therefore, for a balanced diet are necessary andvegetable and animal proteins. Fish nutrition can not be balanced, but if it is based on vegetable proteins, as in this case, there cystine deficiency that necessarily affect the state of hair and nails. If the addition of vegetable protein diet will include dairy products and eggs, then this diet will be much more useful.

Life - is a continuous flow and updating of proteins, which is why you need every day to make up for the loss of food proteins. Proteins differ from carbohydrates and fats in that they do not accumulate "in reserve", and not derived from any other nutrient. In this way,vegetable and animal proteins irreplaceable, and must be present in food. With respect to their role as an energy source, in this case, they are not so important, because they can replace carbohydrates and fats. General nutrition should consist of the following components:vegetable and animal proteins, Vegetable oils and animal fats, carbohydrates and vitamins.

Protein products depending on the degree of digestibility and bioavailability conventionally divided into four classes. The first class consists of proteins of milk, dairy products and eggs. In the eggs contained all the essential amino acids. In addition, egg whites very well absorbed. As for dairy products, the proteins are digested better than fresh milk proteins. The protein products of the first class must be present in the diet. The protein curd cheese and is easier to digest, they are recommended to use fresh, and do not expose to heat treatment. With respect to eggs, they need to cook the contrary.

In the second class includes fish, meat and soy. Meat - a major source of protein for man as it contains all the essential amino acids, collagen and elastin, minerals and trace elements. Man eats a lot of fish species, because they are sources of complete proteins. Many people prefer more fish than meat, because this product is lighter and easier digestible proteins. In general, the fish is very useful. Soy is also rich in a variety of substances necessary for the person. For example, it contains complete proteins, micro and macro, B vitamins, vitamin E, lecithin and choline. But cholesterol in it is absolutely not. In the third class includes only vegetable proteins. They are perceived by the body more difficult because of the coated fiber. In fourth grade protein products include gelatin.

This is only general information aboutplant and animal proteins. To form an educated diet, you need to understand what the substance contains a particular product and how they operate. Especially since you can not make yourself your own diet, not knowing how or what it can do harm. Journal JustLady hoped that this article will reveal to you that until today you were not quite clear!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: organism, a plant protein