Remove fat: fat-burning products

Remove fat: fat-burning products
 Slim beautiful figure has always been considered the standard of female beauty. Strict diet and heavy physical exertion torturing many of the fair sex. But this solution is not always true. There are several products that will help get rid of excess weight.
 Reduce the level of insulin grapefruit, as a result of hunger blunted. Daily use of the fruit in halves (replacement may be 150 ml and its juice) during ingestion to reduce the weight by 2 kg within two weeks. A cocktail of grapefruit juice, orange and lemon to strengthen the body and bring out all the toxins.

Green tea prevent the formation of malignant tumors and occurrence of problems with the cardiovascular system. Also, green tea speeds up the metabolism in the body. A five cups of tea a day this leads to a loss of 70-80 calories.

Spicy foods with spices and seasonings accelerates the heartbeat, causing the sweat glands work actively. Accelerating the process of metabolism. However, eating chips and deep-fried food will not help to reduce weight, but only exacerbate this process.

Dairy products with a low content of saturated fat body with calcium, resulting in the appearance of the body of the hormone calcitriol promotes burning excess fat.

One should not forget about water. Physicians are advised to use 1, 5-2 liters of clean water per day, while its content in food and drinks not included. Metabolism slows down when there is insufficient amount of fluid in the body, which leads to low blood glucose levels. The result may be dizziness and weakness.

One-quarter teaspoon of cinnamon while eating sugar promotes better digestibility and reduce its level in the blood. At high levels of sugar, usually can be formed a significant amount of fat.

Foods with a high content of proteins helps increase muscle mass. A more muscle than the more fat burned. It is not necessary to play sports. The most digestible protein food - chicken, fish, turkey, egg whites.

Additional sources:

  • Remove fat: fat-burning products
 Author: Andrei Sidorov

Tags: fat product