Reflexology against extra pounds

Reflexology against extra pounds
 Reflexology - is the impact on the reflex zones associated with the nervous system. Acting on the acupressure points, can cure and prevent many diseases. In particular, using this method, normal metabolism and is a natural process of losing weight.  
 Methods reflexology

Reflexology - a collective term as includes various methods and techniques of influence on biologically active zones and acupuncture points. For weight loss can be used a number of techniques: acupuncture - the impact of needles, acupressure - a method which does not damage the skin, which is a form of shiatsu - impact with the fingers.

Mikroigloterapiya - it is left in the body for a certain period of time, a small needle. Termopunktura - effects on biologically active zones of special smoldering cigarettes made from wormwood. If bubbles remain - a burning method without bubbles - warming. Kriopunktura - exposure to cold, electroacupuncture - the impact of current, laser puncture is performed using a laser beam. Chiropractic also refers to a kind of reflex. In addition, there are many methods by which the biological effect is performed. Each reflexologist applies his method and considers it the most efficient.

Lose weight with the help of acupuncture

When exposed to certain points of the different methods can be used to achieve the ideal weight and get rid of extra pounds. There is a natural loss of appetite, ten times the work is enhanced excretory system, metabolic processes in the body. But the main thing is possible to achieve the normalization of the nervous and vegetative-vascular, hormonal levels.

Biologically active and acupuncture points are located along the 14 conventional lines, or meridians. For weight loss worked out literally all points. Reflexology course consists of 10-30 procedures. After the treatment is complete break with repeated impacts necessary. To hold the weight is normal, need to pass re-treatment 2-3 times a year.

Contraindications reflexology

Treatment is contraindicated in the presence of benign or malignant tumors, blood diseases, pregnancy, acute infectious diseases, pnevmoskleroze, in diseases of the internal organs, frostbite, birth defects in the development of the central nervous system.

Tags: weight, help, pounds, method, reflexology