Massage against extra pounds

Massage against extra pounds
 Massage - a means to improve health, working through certain areas of the body. It is also a way to speed up the body's metabolism, heat the fat tissue, so the massage helps to cope with excess weight. It is most effective against cellulite, as it is not just a normal adipose tissue, from which you can get rid of with diet and disease to be treated, and this is done just through massage.

Anti-cellulite massage against extra pounds - a procedure that can be learned even at home on their own. There are special video courses, allowing to learn to do yourself a massage at home, achieving significant effect. For massages require additional devices, for which we can use stones, orange, even plastic bottles. They all have a different texture, density and softness, so they have different effects on the skin, improving its circulation. You can also go to the procedure in the beauty salon, where a specialist will conduct a massage.

The effect of anti-cellulite massage also applies to the intestines, liver and kidneys, it is able to lift immunity, to establish normal blood pressure. All this is very good for your health, provided additional pohudatelnye effect. Besides, the people after the massage feel much better, and it's very conducive to ensuring that not overeat and take care of their body with increased attention.

The fact that the sedentary circulating blood and lymph in the body in insufficient quantities. Formed stagnant areas from which wastes are not output cells, causing them to expand, begin to store any excess liquid. Lymphatic drainage massage can rectify the situation. It regulates the flow of lymph in the body, not acting on the muscles and the skin. Lymph becomes more fluid, begins to actively move around the body, removes toxins and excess water. Contours of the body are aligned, as cells acquire normal size again. Their metabolism improving, it positively affects the health of the whole body.

Cellulite collagen cells slightly change its structure. Usually they intersect with each other, as everywhere in the body, but in this case the cells get outlines honeycomb. They are deposited toxins and other waste that interfere with normal fluid to circulate. Thanks to traffic congestion substances, hormones, and helps to eliminate toxins and fat burning, just can not get to it. That is why anti-cellulite fat so it is an effective means of massage.

Tags: massage, pounds, obesity