How to reduce the volume of the thighs

How to reduce the volume of the thighs
 Nature intended so that it is in the buttocks and abdomen in women are deposited extra pounds. Therefore, burn the fat on the hips of the fair sex often wish. The ideal figure does not come easily, so that to obtain beautiful hips have to work hard.
 Of course, you can use the easiest way and turn to plastic surgeons. But liposuction not only has its contraindications, but is rather expensive procedure, whereas the traditional ways of dealing with being overweight are available each and less effective.

We must start by correcting the power supply system. It is impossible to reduce the volume without reducing the number of calories consumed. No less important is the composition of food intake. In order to make use of body fat accumulation, it is necessary to restrict the incoming fats and carbohydrates.

At the same time completely abandon them is impossible, as the body is necessary for normal functioning of all kinds of substances, just need to be replaced too fatty foods to those where their contents are minimal. This chicken, fish, beef.

Carbohydrates should be consumed by those who do not contribute to the deposition of extra pounds and contained in fruits and vegetables.

Hips help reduce physical stress. This is primarily cardio with high intensity, forcing the heart to work faster and accelerate the breakdown of fats. This can be running, training on an elliptical trainer, cycling. The basic rule applies only to that training should last longer than 20 minutes, since only after this period of time, the body begins to burn accumulated fats.

Do not rely on the fact that you can lose weight in the hips, without affecting other parts of the body. Weight Loss is uniform, including in the area of ​​the legs and buttocks, but will help to further strengthen the recent special exercises. The simplest of them - it squats, kicks from the position of the sides and back. Tightened muscles make the silhouette clearer and reduces the volume.

When practiced regularly, visible changes come after a few weeks of training, but the fitness club must be at least three times a week.

Tags: fat diet, thigh