How to reduce the volume of the calf muscles

How to reduce the volume of the calf muscles
 If the calf muscle pump is quite simple, to reduce its volume - much more difficult. The easiest way is, of course, liposuction, but to get rid of extra inches on the calves, you can use exercise and diet.
 Exercises to reduce the volume of the calf muscles are different from all the others lack the power load. They eliminate the use of simulators in addition to any step platform and the elliptical exerciser. In other cases, the eggs will only increase.

All exercises to reduce calf muscle focus on repetition and thorough stretching. They need to perform every day, since centimeters with shin will go very slowly. If the fitness center daily walk does not work, exercises have to enter a home workout. In addition, some of them can be carried out without singling out for this special time. For example, instead of the lift to the desired floor of the elevator, you can walk up the stairs. But there is a little trick - in order to reduce the need for eggs at each step to put a full stop.

If the step-aerobics and hiking climbing stairs seem boring to you, you can alternate yoga, pilates and aerobics. In each of these exercises is a necessary set of exercises to reduce obemka calf muscles.

Before you start the course, you should prepare for the painful sensation which will be followed by a decrease of the lower leg.

In addition to exercise, it will be useful and diet, but some features that would reduce the amount of the tibia just does not exist. Centimeters from the calf muscles will go in compliance with any diet aimed at weight reduction. However, it will only be the case if the volume of tibia increased by adipose tissue and muscle are not excessively developed. In the second case, a special emphasis must be placed precisely on aerobic workout legs.

Tags: muscle, eggs, exercise, reduction