How to win gluttony

How to win gluttony
 Hands reach to sandwiches, pies and sweets? Constantly there is a desire to eat something? The cause of all these problems - gluttony, do not flatter myself that extra piece does not affect your figure. To defeat this attack, you need to fight hard, and make great efforts not to retreat a single step.
 First of all, forget about any indulgences, just a few days after the start of combat overeating you will have the idea that a small piece of chocolate or cake you deserve a prize. However, it can break all your plans, and you want another piece, and then another and another.

The problem is the wrong way of life, now made a little move and eat fast food, that is, for a short time to saturate the body. To combat overeating, you must give your body time to signal saturation.

The most enjoyable way to pacify the appetite is eating chocolate before the main meal. Not without reason do not allow young children to eat dinner chocolates since then have long to persuade the baby to eat at least a spoonful of porridge. So use to reduce appetite chocolate, but only classic bitter. The use of sweet milk chocolate bars with nuts and raisins or filled completely eliminated. Lean on chocolate should not be to kill the desire to overeat, eat 3-4 slices. And if you suck it like a lollipop a few minutes, the effect will be more impressive. Through receptors located in the oral cavity, the saturation signal gets into the brain of an organism, with the desire to overeat disappears rather quickly.

Also contributes to the appearance of appetite use of spices, herbs and salt, as they contribute to excessive secretion of gastric juice. The result is that the body requires more food is produced to neutralize the acid. Discard the salty and spicy dishes.

For people who believe that the food is great joy in life, and constantly thinking about what to pamper yourself and what else you can eat, there is an excellent way to win gluttony: using fruits. As soon overtakes hunger, need to eat nutritious, but not sour fruit, such as banana. He saturate the body, satisfy your hunger and, unlike oranges, tangerines, lemons, kiwi, or will not contribute further development of gastric juice. Gradually, your body will get used to such a diet, and you will forget about such a problem as gluttony.

Tags: oil, feeling hunger, victory, fighting, gluttony