The last meal should not be filled with a variety of herbs and spices, as they tend to stir up your appetite. An hour after eating take a hot bath, it will contribute to relieving stress and fatigue, as well as reduce the feeling of hunger. Then brush your teeth, it will contribute to the development of a conditioned reflex, which will remind you that after this procedure can not be there.
Another way to deal with flared appetite - sports. They are not only disciplined and have a positive effect on the entire body, but also perfectly distracted from thinking about food. For evening sporting events fit yoga, athletics and fitness. In good weather, replace exercise hiking. They will promote sound sleep.
If you catch yourself thinking that you eat out of boredom, try on anything aside. Find a fascinating book, see a movie or cognitive Pick an interesting hobby. Classes things distract you from the desire to once again go to the fridge.
In the case where the appetite wakes up from worries or experiences, try to solve a problem or find a way out of this situation. The main thing is do not start there, because of this problem is still not solved and those extra pounds can further spoil the mood.
Set yourself psychologically. Motivate yourself that if you refrain from eating, you can stay slim or lose weight, but it will affect positively not only on health but also the appearance. Remember that you will get in return restrictions self-confidence, a good mood and well-being.