How to calm your appetite

How to calm your appetite
 Food for humans - is the energy fuel for life, emotional and physical pleasure. However, high calorie, advanced and sophisticated processing of foods rich in fats and complex carbohydrates, fast foods have long been overlap the flow of energy that people spend in the era of transportation and the prevalence of sedentary lifestyles. Decreased appetite becomes relevant topical issue.
 Reasons reduce the amount of food can be different: weight loss, poor health, constant discomfort, physical fatigue. Sometimes stress is accompanied by increased appetite, is the so-called "sticking" problem. And in this case will serve as a recommendation to reduce the number of food intake, as a first step out of the depression. Another reason - the tradition, the habit of eating a lot, construction of food in a cult. Factors get irrepressible appetite are different, but the way to eliminate can be universal, if they are based on common sense, logic, principles of healthy eating.

1. The most important thing is to establish a "mutual understanding" between the stomach and the brain signals that it's time to eat. You will need knowledge of caloric food intake and logically justify every meal and every volume. In no case can not sit at the table of boredom or consider a meal complete interesting occupation.

2. "Outsmart" stomach and brain. This reduction in serving. You can use small plates, dessert and even teaspoons. Maximum stretch the meal, very slowly chew thoroughly. This trick allows saturate the body with less food.

3. "Deception". Saving a portion of the volume, but the gradual reduction of the energy value. Adding to the diet of vegetables, fruit, cottage cheese, lean fish, chicken. There is such a term as "well-fed starvation" - the use of vegetables in raw and boiled - beets, carrots, cabbage, lettuce - they are less than ten calories per 100 grams, but such a long time to digest fibrous product stomach so busy and did not last requires food.

There are other tricks and tips, the use of which will help to achieve the desired result: to prevent this starvation techniques should be small, but frequent, with an interval of 3-3, 5 hours (not to be confused with a snack and kusochnichestvom). Never make a choice of food, grocery shopping, ordering in cafes, restaurants with real hunger - such a choice would be "grand" and in portions and calories. Remember that a glass of water before a meal will help reduce the amount of food, but drinking during meals will dilute the gastric juice. This will complicate the digestion, the stomach will take only the most rapidly digestible elements - fats and carbohydrates, the others went to waste, but very soon "to say" master that hungry again.

Perhaps in the early days will be uncomfortable, feeling a void that must be immediately filled with food. As a rule, it takes 2-3 days and these days will require discipline and the manifestation of the will. Very soon it will go back to normal and will become a habit to eat properly.

Tags: appetite, low