How not to feel hunger

How not to feel hunger
 Sage Socrates once said: "People are evil live in order to eat and drink, virtuous people eat and drink in order to live." That the food does not become the main purpose of your life with a sense of hunger must be addressed. Insatiable gluttony upsets the balance in the diet, leads to obesity and serious health problems. How to get rid of the obsessive hunger?
 When you are strong feelings of hunger before throw anything in itself, vote and make sure it is the truth. False hunger, or psychological dependence on food may appear spontaneously at any time. It was he - the perpetrator of a set of extra pounds, as the man immediately tries to drown while being probably fed, and therefore occur overeating. The real feeling of hunger is associated with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach, his rumbling, weakness throughout the body, a little dizzy. Think back to when you were eating. If you are a long time or at all missed meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner), it is obvious you are experiencing real hunger, and the body needs reinforcement.

In order to avoid the true feeling of hunger, try not to skip meals. A little bit, but Eat breakfast - do it for lunch not overload your hungry stomach excess food. If you have no time to dine, force yourself to change the schedule, or during the day you will saturate the body came to hand crackers, chocolates, sweets, etc., and during dinner again eat too much risk. In the event of an acute attack of this hunger, carry something useful and nutritious yogurt, nuts, dried apricots, boiled egg, fruit, etc.

"Nervous" hunger is usually associated with fatigue, frustration, excitement, experiences stress. When you are overwhelmed with negative emotions, high probability of acute need something they "seize". And certainly want to use something tasty, appetizing, harmful, sweet. Thus, your brain sends impulses of hunger, but if cooled his ardor and calm down a bit, it turns out that the need for a meal as such, no.

To not feel either one or the other kind of hunger, nutritionists give simple guidelines.

Coffee awakens the appetite. Give up the sugar in the drink - so you feel it a rich taste and aroma at the first cup and will not abuse the invigorating coffee throughout the day.

Hunger blunted, if chew a spoonful of powdered milk cream go, eat dried apricots or dates, kernels.

Garlic, though the spice, but has established itself as a means to reduce appetite. Odor can be avoided by swallowing whole garlic clove.

If you decide to bite the apple, give preference to green varieties and eat the fruit with grains - they are also a few blunts hunger.

The tendency to overeat at the first sign of desire to eat right, drink low-fat yogurt or kefir.

During the day, drink green tea. Flavonoids contained in it, increase the activity of the digestive process, promote fat burning, postpone the urge to eat.

And finally, after a meal walk, but do not go take a nap or sit in an easy chair. A short walk eliminates the feeling of satiety.

Tags: food, feeling hunger