A full breakfast should contain carbohydrates, proteins and fats, thus be quite easily digestible.
Carbohydrates - clean fuel for our body. Lack of carbohydrates is necessary to fill it in the morning to recharge after sleep, during which most of the stored energy has been wasted. To saturate the body with carbohydrates, eat breakfast porridge different, alternating cereals as you want. The most useful porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina, wheat. Kashi can be prepared as water and milk with added butter. Add to a dish honey, nuts or fruit - so not only delicious, but also useful. Important: porridge will be full, sawdust bag of fast food are not considered. Another source of carbohydrates - whole grain bread and buns, wholemeal.
If you want to maintain a slim figure, while having breakfast you should consume 2/3 of the daily requirement of carbohydrates that they could be transformed into energy during the day and not deposited on the body with fat while you sleep.
Proteins are the building blocks and help to better assimilate other nutrients. Lack of quality protein in the body leads to premature aging and disruption of the internal organs. To replenish protein, eat in the morning fish, lean meat, eggs, yoghurt or milk drink. A healthy breakfast can include fried foods, then it is in the evening boil broth with spices and herbs chicken breast, salmon steak or pork tongue. Better to eat quail eggs, but the eggs - a great source of protein. Dairy products should be fresh and whole, low-fat devoid of most useful properties.
Fats help the body assimilate many vitamins, minerals and acids. The amount of fat at breakfast should be about 1/5 of the daily requirement. Some fats found in butter, which filled with cereal, dairy drinks, fish and meat. Additional sources of healthy fats: olive oil, nuts, dark chocolate. To enrich the body with omega-3 fats and essential amino acids, taken during breakfast with vitamins fish oil capsules.
Coffee - the wrong drink for breakfast! Each time, drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, you will cause irreparable harm to your body. The fact that the coffee itself does not actually contain any toning agents. This insidious drink "pulls" and activates the internal energy reserves that are "stored" in the far drawer in case of emergency. In the morning, the body is already depleted, not make it worse! The perfect drink for breakfast - fresh citrus juice (apple can). Acids contained in this juice help the body assimilate the nutrients produced during a meal. Coffee or tea you can drink after an hour or two, then your body will fill already spent per night stocks, and a cup tonic drink will not hurt.
Vegetables and fruit for breakfast there can and should be. Fructose, fiber, vitamins and minerals, life-giving moisture to the skin - all the body needs, especially in the morning. It is better to eat fruits and vegetables in its natural form, because at the time of the preparation of salads useful properties are lost (due to contact "section" with oxygen and the metal blade).
If you decide to make a salad - refuse heavy dressings (cream, sour cream, mayonnaise). Vegetable Salad season with vegetable oil (linseed, olive, pumpkin, - alternate), and fruit - juice or yogurt.
Do not count calories breakfast replenishes reserves wasted during the night, and supports the body before lunch, but because of the dense meal in the morning is very difficult to recover.
Tip: if the morning do not want to eat, start your day with a glass of warm boiled water - it will wash away from the walls of the esophagus slag, light morning sickness will pass quickly, the digestive system is activated, and you will have a healthy appetite.