Vitamin E in foods
Vitamin E plays an important role in our health. He is a very important element in the mechanism of tissue regeneration, controls reproductive function, contributes to a significant improvement in blood circulation, prevents thrombosis, prevents the development of anemia, relieves leg cramps, eases the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, slows the aging process, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, muscle and nerve tissue normalizes blood pressure. In addition, vitamin E is an effective means to strengthen the immune system. It affects blood sugar and confronts cancer and Alzheimer's disease. All the mechanisms of its effect on the chemical processes of the human body are still not fully understood. Similarly, it is known that the tocopherol - antioxidant, i.e. fighting free radicals that attack tissues at the cellular level.
Whatfoods rich in vitamin EShould be more likely to eat? Large amount of it is contained in broccoli and spinach, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, green, legumes, liver, egg yolk, oatmeal, soy, milk, cereal. Rich in vitamin E dandelions, raspberry leaves, flax seed, nettle, rose hips, alfalfa.
The extent of tocopherol present in certain foods shown below.
Products containing Vitamin E
The tocopherol content (100 g / mg)
Oil from the seeds sprouted wheat 320
The oil from the corn grains 250
Soybean oil 92 - 120
Linseed oil 23
Cotton seed oil 99
Refined oil from sunflower seeds 67 1
Soy, nuts 17, 4
Salad greens (leaf, iceberg, etc.) 8 0
Peas 9, 15
White beans 3, 84
Buckwheat (unground) 6, 65
Hercules, oatmeal 2, 1 - 3, 25
Munk 2, 55
2 Pshenko 6
Green peas salad 5, 61-6, 52
Wheat flour 2, 57
Wheat germ 26, 9
Corn grain 10 1
Barleycorn 3, 1 - 5, 15
Rye grain 2, 3 - 3, 6
Baton wheat 2, 3
Wheat bread (wholemeal) 3, 81
Rye bread (wholemeal flour, ie, meal) 2, 24
Pasta (the highest grade) 2 1
Cheese 0, 3 - 0, 6
Raw potatoes 0 1
Parsley (fresh greens, root) 5, 6
1 carrot, 45
Peaches 1, 51
Apricots 0, 96
Green onions (feathers) 1, 05
Eggs 2, 0-2, 2
Liver 1, 26
Keep in mind that in the table given in the tocopherol content of fresh products. During processing, freezing, frying, prolonged storage in the light or oxygen access, preserving its amount is reduced by several times. For example, grinding grain into flour is almost completely destroys vitamin E. Refined vegetable oil contains tocopherol a quarter less than unrefined. In fresh green peas contained 0, 55% of vitamin E in the frozen remains only 0, 2%, and canned and even less - only 0, 02%.
Products containing Vitamin ECan not be ignored. Our body is in need of this vitamin and the lack of it is unacceptable. It is important to recognize the symptoms of a lack of tocopherol. The earliest of them, as a rule, are muscle weakness and low blood pressure. With a significant deficiency of vitamin may develop nerve and endocrine disorders, tendency to miscarriages and other very unpleasant phenomenon. So you need to look after their health, eat right and get the maximum amount of nutrients and vitamins from food. If that is not enough, you need to consult a doctor and take vitamins in the capsules.
Many doctors recommend taking vitamin complexes, as the most effective tocopherol in combination with other vitamins, especially vitamin C. These vitamins are not only very useful, but prevents the development of many destructive processes in our body. But miracles do they unfortunately are not able to, and to revive the dead cells or reverse any running process, they can not. Conclusion: saturate your body with vitamin E, yet our health is in a favorable condition. An overdose of it usually does not happen. If suddenly it happened - which is rare - nausea, bloating, sometimes diarrhea or allergies. At the time subject to certain diet they quickly pass.
Health is indeed wealth, the value of which we understand only in its absence. In the outside world today pretty much aggressive towards this health factors. Therefore, you should treat yourself lightly, hoping that the body is able to withstand all sorts of diseases without further assistance. Provide this assistance is easy - just need to always include in your dietfoods containing vitamin E.
Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady