Keep a healthy measure of food and this will help to lose weight, as strange as it sounds, dishes. Pay attention to the plates from which you eat. If they are bulky, deep, you should replace them. Psychologically, a small plate of food is able to visually saturate the body and surround it from overeating. It is best to put a few small plates of different dishes. For example, in one - a green salad in the other - a side dish, and the third - boiled meat. Plates small capacity will not allow you to put an excessive amount of food. If you adhere to this principle and comply with it at breakfast, lunch and dinner, then gradually your stomach will shrink and you will be required to saturate the smaller amount of food.
If you are a follower of various diets, where the use of deadly desserts punishable, the principle of small portions allow you to not give up your favorite treats. Let's say you come to the anniversary, where the table was breaking from different delicacies. Put yourself in a plate of vegetables, spoon any one salad and a few pieces of meat. Discard the garnish and leave a room for dessert. Thus, the meat will allow you to be satisfied and then place allotted for garnish in your stomach, take a piece of pie or cake. All agreed terms of proper nutrition.
Drink plenty of water table. Drinking water in combination with small portions of food (6 times per day) - a simple secret to achieving a beautiful and healthy body.