Diet cereal for breakfast

Diet cereal for breakfast
 Probably around the world there is no product more useful than a Meal. And the whole secret of it in whole grains. It is thanks to the whole grains, cereals long digested, slowly digested in the body, cleanse it, give us energy and help fight various diseases, including diabetes. Especially good porridge as a recipe for weight loss, as many of them are nutritious, but at the same time - calorie.

Going a bit further into the story, it becomes clear that this cereal has always been the basis of power in Russia. Our ancestors gave us this tradition. After all, the most suitable for cereal organism Slavic man. Of these, we can get everything you need for a healthy life, literally everything you need!

But what do we see today? Today, the picture is as follows: Nutritionists are sounding the alarm - modern man has radically changed its system of power. It almost no coarse fibers and fiber. Our food contains almost no vitamins and minerals. Most people have switched to soft foods, which can be easily and quickly digested, but still refined to boot! And because of this very suffering digestive system and the whole body. After digestion malfunction leads to metabolic disorders and pathological (irreversible) changes in other organs.

The consequences come in the form of serious diseases, which in recent years very much "rejuvenated". The rapidly growing number of cardiovascular, allergic, cancer and other diseases. But this could have been avoided if we switched to a more healthy lifestyle, and food in particular. After all, nature has taken care of everything! Whether in our food more fiber and essential trace elements, many health dramatically improved to! All the vital elements for the man laid in whole grains and legumes.

Doctors and researchers around the world with one voice declare that the use ofdietary cereals for breakfast (It is in the morning), can target miracles with our bodies! It is only necessary to determine the most suitable kind of cereal you specifically, because this will depend on the effect.

Diet cereal for breakfast

Below is a sample list of cereals and their useful properties.

Barley grits

Contains: B vitamins, selenium, protein.

Cereal itself is a finely crushed core of barley. Helps to remove heavy metals from the body, has a good anti-aging effect and even is the prevention of cancer.


Contains: folic acid, protein, and iron.

Belongs to the family of legumes. Lentils helps to reduce blood sugar levels. Has a good effect in diseases of the stomach and duodenum.


Contains: rare amino acids, proteins, fats.

Rolled oats are considered a dietary product. But at the same time they are very nutritious. Oatmeal has high content of soluble fiber, so helping to reduce the cholesterol level in blood.


Comprising: proteins, protein, carbohydrates, fats practically no.

Actually semolina - is wheat grain, only a very finely crushed. This porridge - a good recipe for weight loss. Just think, in a portion of semolina calories in 2 times less than in the buckwheat, which has always been considered a dietary product.


Ingredients: minerals, proteins, iron carbohydrates.

In a large pea protein content, due to which it is very nutritious porridge. It is recommended, for example, patients in rehabilitation period. So to lose weight, it just does not fit.


Comprises: potassium salts of iron, manganese, cobalt.

Buckwheat is recommended to diabetics and people suffering from cardiovascular diseases (due to its content of magnesium).

Pearl barley

Contains: B vitamins, selenium, minerals, protein.

Barley - is stripped barley grain. Is a powerful antioxidant.

Wheat groats or Pshenko

Contains vitamins, protein, carbohydrates.

One of the most delicious cereals. Inferior to the presence of valuable protein only rice and buckwheat. Promotes proper digestion of food.

White rice

Contains vitamins groups P and B starch.

Figure displays the salt from the body, not allowing them to be postponed. Promotes metabolism, and treatment of arthritis.

Also important is the way in which the porridge is cooked and eaten with some products.

It has long been proven that it is best to combine porridge with fruit, and it does not matter in what form they are: raw, dried, canned, etc. So feel free to experiment!

And finally, a greatprescription for dietary breakfast - Fruit porridge.

For the preparation we need:
 - 200 grams of wheat or oatmeal
- 1 carrot
- 1 egg
- 1 apple
- Half cup of your favorite fruit juice
- Sugar and salt to taste.

Three carrots on a coarse grater and connect with flakes. Fill the mixture of boiling water and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir periodically. Add a pinch of sugar and salt. The resulting mush need a little cool, and then add the egg yolk. Clear the apple peeled and finely chopped. Pour it with fruit juice and mix it with carrot porridge. The whole mixture, beat with a mixer or blender until smooth. Porridge is used hot, so before serving it should be a good warm up.
Bon Appetite!

 Anastasia duduk
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: cereals, recipe, breakfast