What are they - products that contribute to weight gain? Chief among these are the killers of the human figure flour products. A person addicted to delicious pies, scones with powdered sugar and cake, can forget about the slender waist and graceful gait. Donuts, fried in plenty of oil, refer to the flour products that are not explicitly add elegance figure of a man.
A serious problem for the person who wants to maintain optimum shape can be fascination soda. Besides the fact that this product - now concentrating reactive substances, so it also evokes a feeling of addiction because of their special combination. It is understood the desire of people to quickly quench your thirst, but sodas remove it only for a short period of time, after which it would be desirable to drink soda again and again.
For products that contribute to weight gain and is widely advertised today beer. According to medical research, it is the excessive consumption of beer can cause loss of optimal shape. A person involved in this alcoholic beverage grows stomach, change the contours of the face - and it's only symptoms of addiction to beer.
Does not figure sports and use a variety of chips and snacks. Firstly, it is very difficult to digest food, and secondly, it is rich in harmful elements, capable of delaying the fats in the human body. In addition, chips may cause diabetes.
Figure can lose from frequent use of fatty pork. It is a long time to digest, providing a significant burden on the liver. Fatty pork can cause the appearance of cholesterol and slizsoderzhaschih substances in human tissues.