Lactic acid in the muscles: how to bring?

Lactic acid in the muscles: how to bring?
 For working muscles during exercise they need energy, which is the main source of glucose. At its decay in humans and animals as a byproduct of lactic acid is formed.

What causes the accumulation of lactic acid

Accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles can lead to several adverse consequences. This muscle pain and weakness, a feeling of "weakness." In this state, any excess movement is often given to a person with difficulty. It is also possible increase in body temperature.

Such state can last from a few hours to several days. In the case of dosage and not too intense exercise discomfort after training insignificant and does not cause much inconvenience.

But excessive activity causes the body to work in an anaerobic (oxygen-free) mode. Local blood flow in the muscles slows down, and with it, their limited oxygen supply. At the same time, and the outflow is hampered resulting from the dissolution of lactic acid from glucose in muscle tissue.

As a result of accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles appears a burning sensation and pain.

Most of lactic acid rather rapidly excreted from the muscle fibers themselves. This requires a maximum of two days after its production. Trends linger in the body for a long time, lactic acid is not. Therefore, if you feel pain in the muscles after three days or more, with lactic acid is not connected. On the other hand, that it could provoke damage to the muscle fibers, which caused further pain.

How to speed up the excretion of lactic acid

One of the most effective ways to speed up the removal of lactic acid - the sauna. When heated, the blood vessels in the muscle dilate the blood flow becomes more intense. The excess lactic acid under these conditions appears faster.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a sauna, to withdraw the excess lactic acid will help you a hot bath. Type in hot water and take a bath 10 minutes, but it should at the same time, the skin of the heart remained on the surface. After ten minutes, rinse with cool water and relax, then the procedure can be repeated. Optimally spend five such approaches. At the end of the towel to rub the muscles redness.

Hot baths are contraindicated at high pressure, pregnant women and during menstruation.

In the first few days after an intense workout, you must drink enough fluids. Best of all - green tea is an excellent antioxidant. However, the tendency to increased pressure from it is desirable nevertheless to give and to give preference to pure non-carbonated drinking water.

Tags: muscle pain, acid, lactic acid, the accumulation of excess