How to straighten your knees

How to straighten your knees
 Slender and shapely legs are very important for every woman. But, unfortunately, not all are of their owners. Physical education classes help to improve the shape of the feet. Bending in the knees can be corrected by special exercises.
 Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width place. Squat ten times. Then place your right foot on the toe and squat ten times. Do the same with the left foot. Finally, sit down again ten times with wide-set legs. Squats very well tighten muscles of the front of the thigh, which, in turn, changes the shape of the legs in the knee area.

With your feet together, take the socks. From this position, try to slowly bend the legs to full squats. Now, get up slowly. The daily performance of this exercise 10-15 times allows you to burn fat in the knees, and they get more relief shape.

Do simple squats. First, place your feet heels together, toes apart, and vice versa. Then - feet parallel to each other. Do each exercise at least 50 times.

Get down on your knees, spreading them on the shoulder-width apart. Crouch on the floor between the legs, knees while moving inward. At first you feel pain in the knee joint, but with time the legs get used to this exercise. It is intended for a rapprochement knees in women with about-shaped legs. Execution time is arbitrary.

Standing up straight with legs spread slightly, bend one leg at the knee and back touch heel to buttocks. If not, give a hand to squeeze the leg. The same with the other leg. This exercise helps to lengthen the tendon, causing knee will eventually become elegant form.

Run or walk on tiptoes across the room every morning and evening for five minutes. Then relax the muscles, sitting on a chair. Jump rope with both feet first, then turns to the right and left leg. A simple exercise from childhood helps to strengthen the calf and thigh muscles.

And remember, the result can only be achieved persistent daily workouts.

Tags: leg shape, exercise area, knee, knee