How to make your legs smoother

How to make your legs smoother
 Smooth and shapely female legs attract the attention of men and the envy of women. If nature has not endowed you as legs, work on them. To do this, you must go on a diet and do special exercises
 Fitness experts have developed special exercises that improve the shape of the feet. The effectiveness of these exercises tested in practice. The effect of training you receive in the classroom three times a week.

Exercise 1. Stand up straight. Make the widest thrust back knee and lower back legs so that between the thigh and lower leg angle of 90 degrees. Hold the balance with the spaced arms start to rise. Bit not leading to full extension knee hind legs, go back. Repeat 15-20 times on each leg for 2 cycles.

Exercise 2. Stand beside the chair at some distance from it. Lift the leg to the side and place the heel on the back of a chair. Lift up your hands and stretch, stretching the spine and abdominal muscles. Then start to perform bending forward, trying to reach down toward your toes. Lean as low as possible and stay in this position for as long as you can hold out. Slowly return to starting position. Perform the exercise 10-20 times for each leg.

Exercise 3: Stand with your back to the wall and start slowly squat. Stop the movement as soon as the angle between the tibia and femur is 90 degrees. Fixing this position at the maximum possible time, get up slowly. With the help of the wall position of the body controlled, directly. Exercise perform 10-20 times.

The following exercises should be performed slightly less often - twice a week.

Exercise 1. Lie on your side and bend the lower leg at the knee. Place your opposite hand to the floor. Start slowly lift the top leg so that the process of recovery take you at least 15 seconds. Lock the leg in the up position and also slowly lower. The complete cycle of raising and lowering the legs should last for at least 3 minutes. Do this exercise three times on each leg.

Exercise 2: Hang in any way on one leg burdening weight 0, 5 kg. Stand up straight, follow the forward lean, lean hands on the bench. Lift the leg with the load. Slowly start to bend the leg at the knee, raising and lowering the load. Do this exercise for three minutes on each leg.

Exercise 3: Stand facing a wall and lean on her hands for balance. Under the heel of the feet put roller towels. Stand on your toes so heel come off the towel and do not touch it. Fix this position for at least 15 seconds and return to starting position.

The effect of regular exercise will be visible in a couple of weeks.

Tags: leg exercise