How to make a stand

How to make a stand
 In acrobatics, there are several basic types of counters: on the blades, chest, head and hands. All are used in floor, paired and group exercises of different sports categories.
 Rack on the blades strengthens the back muscles and arms. Is bringing exercises to perform a headstand on his hands. Learn its start in the following order: stand up straight, sit down and group. Rolled over back lock body upright hands, elbows on the floor and brush in the lower back. At first, the legs do not straighten bent and hold. Set your elbows shoulder-width apart, knees slightly divorce. After steady development of this intermediate position, start gently pulling the toes up, trying as hard as possible to tend them up. The pinnacle of excellence is considered the execution stand without support arms on the floor.

Stand on the chest strengthens muscles of the body, neck and hands. Is bringing exercises to perform stand on the forearms. To take this stand please stop lying. Caved in, roll forward lift your legs as high as possible, pulling up socks. We rely hands on the floor. Keep your elbows slightly bent or straightened, hands down please. In the first few times, hold the rack as you wish. Over time, try more and more to increase the deflection.

Headstand is considered the main acrobatic exercises for beginners. Excellent strengthens the muscles of the neck, body and hands. Its study certainly before learning the handstand. Take emphasis squatting, hands shoulder-width apart arrange fingers pull forward. Put your head on the floor, at a distance of 25-30 cm from the hands, and then, without throwing elbows to the sides, first lift up one leg bent at the knee, then the other. In order not to fall back towards the more lift the head and put her on the forehead. As you study the headstand with legs bent at the knees, try to put your head as straight as possible. Learning to confidently stand in this intermediate position, start slowly raise your feet in position polushpagata, keeping them parallel to the floor and bent over at the waist. Ensure implementation is considered consistent implementation of the 5 pillars 5, provided retention of each rack for at least 5-8 seconds. The last step will be the development of a headstand with arms up straight legs.

Handstand - one of the most complex of the considered us. Development of this acrobatic element begins with semiproof. To do this, please stop squatting. Put your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart at a distance of half a step from the legs, fingers point the forward dilute and slightly bend. Slightly rebounding feet from the floor in the place your knees elbows. Performing semiproof need to learn how to balance the brushes on the floor. Learning to hold this position for at least 15 seconds., Start to straighten legs polushpagat, keeping them parallel to the floor. Try to straighten legs only when the learn to keep polushpagatom rack for at least 2 seconds. In the final position of the body must be vertically fixed, knees straightened, socks to pull up, look at the faces hands. To take a handstand stroke make a step with one foot and push the other. Put your hands on the floor at a distance from the foot step. To insure the implementation of the rack stroke study near the wall. In the fall of learning rotated 180 degrees and stand on one leg. Mastering Rack can be considered if you can hold it for at least 4 seconds in each attempt. Retention time bring to 10-15 seconds.

Train every day for 30-40 minutes or three times a week for 50-70 minutes. In each session strive to devote time to each rack, gradually moving from simple to complex elements. If you have the opportunity to train with the assistant, ask him to check you. This will help ensure the accuracy and clarity of the provisions of the movements.

Tags: hand stand, balance, shoulder, chest