How to increase the length of the jump

How to increase the length of the jump
 Perhaps the desire to jump as far as possible peculiar to man since prehistoric times. It was then that the ability to overcome the wide chasm became the key to a successful hunt or a life saved. The ability to jump far and now may be useful: during school or college event or to impress friends on vacation.
 The main key to success in the long jump - good speed takeoff. Therefore, if you want to jump far, learn to run fast.

Use the interval training. Alternate jogging at a moderate pace with the maximum acceleration. Takeoff distance is not too long, so you do not need endurance.

But you need a powerful impetus. To learn to push off, learn to dramatically push the body up. Stand on a gymnastic bench or a stable platform. Legs slightly bend at the knees. Make swing with both hands and jump down. After landing, immediately jump out sharply upwards. Stretch your entire body as high as possible and try to pull your knees to your chest. Follow these jumping for 5-8 minutes. Then rest 60 seconds and repeat.

When you realize that jumping with legs lifting you come easy, go to more challenging exercises. Start from the platform you're two feet and landing and jump with only one leg. In no case did not proceed to jump on one foot while not mastered the previous load in full.

Plyometric exercises require different preparation of the muscles and joints. Otherwise, you can easily injure yourself.

Include in your training jumping from their seats. The main objective of this exercise - to work out the correct movement of the arms. Also learn during a jump forward and pulling the legs as much as possible to bend at the waist. After the shock, try to pull your knees to your chest, and in the last phase of flight - fully straighten the legs.

Gradually connect the run, pushing away one foot and hand work. It is important not to fly upwards and forwards. The ideal long jump occurs at an angle of about 20 degrees. Your task - to learn it.

Do not learn in the long jump on a solid surface. Technique jumping involves landing on the buttocks. All training jumpers at length in a special pass hopping pit or even training pit filled with pieces of foam. This is where the athletes work out the technique of bending the body forward and release the legs during the flight. With this jump lasts much longer.

Here we work out and landing. As is known, the measurement results when the long jump occurs from any touch point situated closer to the jogging plate. That hands are not left behind, need a strong run. High speed allows the body to continue to move forward, although the legs and pelvis have touched the ground.

Therefore scatter as quickly as possible, push the body forward a powerful push, hands provides additional inertia and pull the foot forward during flight.

Tags: location, speed, length, exercise, jump, push, run