How to get your hands on

How to get your hands on
 Handstand used in a variety of sports and useful for many diseases. This position serves as prophylaxis in health problems and is effective for insomnia, varicose veins, asthma, memory lapses, diseases of the female organs, etc. But still be aware of some contraindications: hypertension, hypotension, chronic sinusitis, purulent inflammation of the ear and the weak eye capillaries.
 Stand up against the wall, and then bend the knee. Sock lift so that the thigh and calf form a 90 degree angle. Hands put on the floor to the point at which looks sock. Get away from the wall about three meters. Make a wide step right foot, and put his hands to the point that you previously identified. Raise your left leg and right push down on the floor. Place the heel against the wall.

Bend one leg so that it formed a wall of 90 degrees. Second pull up while holding his knees at the same level. Gently push down on the walls and straighten the bent leg. Try to stay in a position perpendicular to the floor.

At first, follow the rack only with a safety net of another person and do not try too soon to move away from the wall and try to get your hands on your own, especially if you have no acrobatic training. As soon as you feel that you can stand on their hands without the help of the wall, keep away from her classes.

In the process of training does not bend, and keep your hands shoulder-width apart. When falling to buckle legs, feet locate so that you can get down on the floor with his heels. You could also try to get up to the bridge or kuvyrknutsya to break their fall.

Exit the posture do without jerks, in a quiet pace. First, immerse one foot, then the other. First times better not be in the position for more than 15 seconds, but you can increase the time gradually. Should not stand in the hands of more than 12 minutes. Everyday training you will no longer need someone to help you and focus on the wall.

Ability to getting on your hands and depends on a variety of physical parameters. The strength of the hand in this exercise plays an important role, it will help increase pushups or dips. In preparing well help pull.

Tags: hand stand