How to gain 5 pounds in a week

How to gain 5 pounds in a week
 If you're whole life fighting his thinness, can not gain even put norm, then know that you are not alone in their misfortune. In today's world, when most sits on a diet to get rid of extra pounds, skinny sorely missed them.
 Double the dose. Following this rule, you should aim to double everything you eat, since this moment. If you usually eat two sandwiches - do yourself four, one serving of porridge - force yourself to master two, one handful of nuts (by the way, they are very high in calories) - Eat two. Cook protein shakes, using a dry protein, but also double the dose. Instead of two spoons - take four.

Remember that from now on you will only live to eat. Eat every two hours. For this a timer can be set in the phone. Get into the habit always sit at the table at the same time and not a minute later. So the food is better absorbed. Sit down at the table in fifteen minutes after waking up.

Prepare yourself the right food. The basis of the diet should be porridge - they are rich in proteins and calories. Now you have to spend almost all my free time for preparation and absorption of food. Spend more time on trips to the grocery store, keep counting calories and nutrients in various foods. If you do not pay enough attention to this, do not be surprised if the result does not meet your expectations.

Use only the large bowl. Now suppose that you have a large plate, large fork, large spoon and large cup.

Eat only healthy food. Your diet should consist of high-calorie foods that are rich in nutrients. Avoid "empty" carbohydrates - too sweet and fatty foods. Prefer dish consisting of complex carbohydrates. The greatest number of needed carbohydrates you found in rice, oats, beans, potatoes and other vegetables; proteins - in lean beef, cottage cheese, whole milk (undiluted), eggs, salmon; fats - found in nuts, avocados, peanut, linseed and olive oil. Additionally eat raisins and dried fruit (such as apricots, dates, figs).

Drink protein shakes, throwing powder on the specified bank to the scheme if your physical activity is minimal. If you're working hard or go for a workout - double the dose.

Tags: Week, Food, diet