How to become a candidate for the Master of Sports

How to become a candidate for the Master of Sports
 Candidate master - a prestigious rank in the line of sports titles of the Russian Federation. If you decide to achieve this status, have patience and hard work on themselves, but with due perseverance through 1-3 years of your efforts be rewarded long-awaited sports category.  
 Great if you have engaged in any sport - before you snap meal choice. However, if the last time you played sports in physical education classes in school, to start think about what you like best. Sports should be fun, or achievement of MMR status will turn to you in hard labor. Based on the features of his character. Sociable people more fit team games - football, volleyball, introverted people - tennis, swimming. If you have absolutely no competitive spirit, and you're familiar with the sport only by hearsay, you may want to choose chess. Also consider your age. How would you not like to look at the performances of gymnasts begin this sport you need a child.

Select a suitable trainer and gym, where you will work. When choosing a mentor note whether there is in his record of the candidates for the master of sports, whether they are engaged in the gym. Do not be afraid to seem a novice who does not know how. Studying together with stronger colleagues, you are much more quickly acquire the necessary skills.

Good physical fitness - it is not only train the body. Do not forget to eat and sleep at least eight hours per day. Include in your diet of fruits, vegetables and foods high in protein. If you feel fresh and rested, the work will go much faster.

Find out regulations that you need to pass specific to your sport. Once you feel that you have reached the required level of physical fitness, apply for participation in the urban or regional competitions. If you are running the standard of sports, will take the prize, you will probably be appropriated candidate master. In team sports, as this status is assigned to teams that win a prize at the regional or national competitions.

Tags: master, sports, PhD