How to align the spine

How to align the spine
 When the curvature of the spine suffers not only the appearance, but also disrupted the lungs, cardiovascular system. When diagnosed scoliosis of any correction is carried out with the help of massage, physical therapy, medication and physiotherapy.  
 Diagnosis of scoliosis, or curvature of the spine, is carried out using X-ray inspection method Chaklin. The angle of deviation from the norm allows the doctor to make the correct diagnosis, which is to determine the degree of scoliosis and violation of the internal organs. When the degree of curvature of the first deviation angle backbone is from 1 to 10 degrees, with the second power - 11-25 degrees, the third - 26-50 degrees and the fourth - the deviation of the vertebral column is greater than 50 degrees.

Timely diagnosis allows time to start adjusting that largely determines the outcome of successful treatment. Most easily corrected scoliosis first and second degree at a young age, it is much more difficult to treat curvature of the spine after the formation of the skeletal system and more severe form of the disease.

When you appoint a curvature of the spine treatments under the supervision of highly qualified and experienced, massage, physiotherapy. If the spine hurts, the doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, creams and vitamin therapy, aimed at increasing the level of calcium in the body.

At home, for the correction of the spine you should conduct daily 30-40 minute exercises to strengthen the muscles and stretching. Only a trained muscular system will align the spine as much as possible and to avoid more serious strain.

For correction of scoliosis is most suitable Golfing, pulling on the bar, all kinds of sports activities that help strengthen the muscles as much as possible.

In addition to systematic sports and in the gym you should regularly monitor your posture. Pick the most convenient desk and chair, if you have to spend a long time at work. Every 40 minutes, do some gymnastic exercises, it will help relieve the tension from the back and increase blood circulation.

Systematically go through repeated medical examinations and follow all recommendations of the doctor, it will help you avoid more serious deformation, which often leads to permanent disability.

Tags: scoliosis, treatment, spine, alignment, adjustment, deformation