How do you know your body type

How do you know your body type
 The fact that everyone is different, has long been an axiom. And it has to be considered elsewhere, including in sports. There are different body types, and from that to which the person belongs, depends on what it deems necessary training to achieve the ideal form.
 Going to the gym, it is necessary to adequately assess their physique. It is necessary to choose the right physical activity and make your way to good physical shape as short as possible.

There are three body types. First - ectomorph. If you are the owner of long limbs, narrow feet, chest, hands and a relatively short torso, you - ectomorph. Build muscle, you will be hard enough. Experts advise members of this type are to limit their strength training workout.

Mesomorph distinguish long torso, broad chest and a low percentage of body fat. Strong and the nature of muscular mesomorph almost no difficulty to actively recruit muscle mass. This type of addition is most common among bodybuilders.

Mesomorphs good for a variety of workouts. The more frequently changes the order of the exercises, exercises themselves, the better. Experts recommend mesomorph alternate power 2-3 weeks of hard training and 1-2 weeks of training the lungs. This combination will provide stable growth performance of the athlete.

The third type - Endomorphs. People of this type of addition differ in that they have a large bone, round face, soft muscles, short neck and a large percentage of body fat. And fat is stored mainly in the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. They are fairly easy to gain muscle mass, but it is very difficult to drive body fat.

For the people of the third type shows a variety of workouts. Every two or three days, the program must be at least a little change. It is very important to maintain a high endomorphs exercise intensity to force the body to work with maximum efficiency, while actively burning fat.

Of course, the "pure" types are rare. Decided to allocate 88 subtypes body, formed on the basis of three main. Assess a person belonging to one or another basic type based on the predominance of his character of this type.

Tags: type training, physique, endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph