The basic steps of step aerobics

The basic steps of step aerobics
 It all started with the fact that the American Gene Miller serious knee injury. To quickly cope with the trauma, she began to train, getting up and down the steps of his house. Today, step aerobics has virtually every fitness club. Classes are held on a special step platform. This is a great load on the muscles. A group of people of all ages for 50 minutes to rhythmic music repeats for coach steps up, down, around the platform. But first, learn the 7 basic steps.

Basic steps
All exercises can be started on either the right or left foot, after each exercise-changing sequence. The initial position - the legs on the floor are connected together.

Top-up (top). Right foot to stand on a step. Left foot to put to right by touching the heel. Return the left foot to the floor. Put on the floor right leg. 4 is on the account.

Basic step (basic step). Step on step one foot (right), step - the second. Now turn to step to tap dance on the floor, first right, then left foot. Performance of movement - 4 score.

Step-touch (Step-touch). Step right foot to the side. Then the left foot to put to the right, stop - on the toe. Movement is performed on 2 accounts.

V-Step (Step letter "V"). Step right foot to the right-most edge of the steppe. Step left foot - on the left-most edge of the platform. Step back to the starting position of the right foot. Same - left. 4 is on the account.

Knee lift, Knee up (bend up). Step right foot on the step. The left leg is lifted up: knee stretches to the left shoulder. Return the left leg to the starting position. Do the same thing right foot. Runs on 4 counts.

Curl (entanglement). Step right foot on the step. Left foot - backswing: sock must touch the left buttock). The left leg - the starting position. Then - the right foot on the floor. Movement - 4 score.

Step-kick (Mach foot forward). Step right foot on the step. Straight left leg - swing forward. Return the left foot to the floor. Right leg - the starting position. Runs on 4 counts.

Good to know

- All exercises are done face-to-step platform: it must stand in front of you;
- Knees should always be slightly bent, feet - shoulder-width apart, feet - apart;
- The body - as a string: direct, back without stoop, stomach sucked in myself, buttocks tense shoulders are straight, chin slightly raised.

Tags: step, knee, step, swing, thrust