Slender waist - it's easy

Slender waist - it's easy
 Slender waist emphasizes the seductive female figure bulge above and below it. It gives the whole look of elegance. Furthermore, an indicator waist health. People with a narrow waist in proportion to a lower risk of serious diseases. A waist larger than 100 cm suggests that the urgent need to deal with their health.
 To reduce waist, first of all need to do posture and abdominal muscles. Abdominal muscles hold the internal organs. And therefore, if they are trained, the "content" fit to a lesser extent. In any case, develop the habit of keeping stomach sucked. First you have all the time to consciously control this condition, but after about a month of constant self you will find that the stomach is pulled by itself, without your efforts.

Stand with your back to the wall, align the spine, push back and head, pull your stomach - the royal carriage ready. Remember this condition and maintain it. Smooth spine straightened his shoulders - your waist visually already decreased by a few centimeters.

Without exercise, of course, also can not do. They will help to remove excess fat deposits and, again, strengthen and tighten muscles. Do 15-30 tilt and turn right and left, without using weights. Those who have good physical shape, you can take small dumbbells or pancakes from the bar, weighing not more than 2-3 kg. Large weight leads to an increase in lateral and oblique muscles, and therefore - to increase the waist size.

Work well in a static exercise. Sit on the floor, tilt the body back and lift your legs. Hold this position as you can, bring the time down to the minute. Note that the lower the position of the body and the legs, the greater the load. Exercise strengthens the muscles in the abdominal area and helps burn fat.

An indispensable tool in the development of the waist - hula-hoop. Moreover, it is sufficient to use a normal metal without special tools and massagers. Turn it on for 10 minutes a day (can be divided into 2 sets of 5 minutes), and after a month you will not know your waist. For the first time in the work of the hoop may appear slight bruising, but it will take a few days.

Arrange a course whirlpool. Remarkably helps power shower. In Russia, even designed his home analogue, so that the hot room can be arranged in private.

And, of course, do not forget about proper nutrition. Nutritionists recommend for this purpose the following foods: bread, wholemeal, foods high in vitamin C, olive oil, boiled meat and seafood.

Tags: exercise, waist