How to quickly get the splits

How to quickly get the splits
 The splits, hitting its flexibility not only friends, but also themselves - it is a goal well worth the effort, which will have to be spent on its implementation. Stretch enough to split a reality, everyone can just all you want it a different amount of time. Someone is willing to train on a daily basis, while others stretch every few days, so it is not surprising that some people progress is too slow, others are surprisingly quickly learn twine.
 If you last played sports and stretching, then you most likely will not be too difficult. Good physical shape, which has your joints and ligaments in the past, quickly restored. But hurry anyway should not be. Too hasty stretching bodily injury. Remember: you can not reach through the pain.

In order to do the splits as quickly as possible, it is necessary to engage in daily, morning and evening. In the morning, it is desirable to give the exercises, approximately between 7 and 9 hours. At this time, the ligaments and muscles difficult stretch, but the progress of these activities are much more significant. In the evening, be sure to do the exercises again.

The most effective is static stretching. This slow motion as long as you do not feel a feeling bordering on pain. Stay in this position as long as possible, at least 15 seconds. Optimal time - 1 minute. This type of exercise is very effective, and it will not let you get hurt. If you are in good physical condition, you can try a little stretch from a static position. Do forward with a very small amplitude.

Before you start to stretch, do the workout. A few sit-ups, swings down or running in place are ideal for warming up the legs, which are important for the twine. Can also stretch after a hot bath or massage - relax the body, the effect on employment will be much higher.

The first exercise - stand on one leg, and the second lift as high as possible. First, it will be bad to turn out, but over time it will make everything easier. Then put your foot on the table or windowsill. It is important that it is parallel to the floor. Now bend his body forward and down to the foot, which is a reference. The first time will be hard and painful, but in the future you will be able to touch his feet feeding. The next exercise: try to do the splits. Get down as low as possible for you. Try both types of twine: the longitudinal and transverse. Do not let the pain. Over time, the distance to the floor is reduced, and then completely disappear - you can do the splits!

There is one technique that allows you to stretch pretty quickly, but we must be careful not to get injured. Take a stack of books that height, which you do not have enough to twine, and put them under her. Remove the books one by one, try to stretch every day for one book. This will not at all, but only those who already is in good shape and has a good stretch.

Do twine there are contraindications. You should not try to do it yet, if you have back problems, have recently suffered injuries associated with muscle tension, you have cracks or bruises joints and bones of the legs and pelvis. You can not try to do the splits with high blood pressure. If you do during your workout feel well or have discomfort, immediately stop activity.

Tags: training, twine