How to make a flat ass

How to make a flat ass
 Rounded buttocks are considered a sign of feminine beauty and attractiveness. But sometimes they are so lush and voluminous that they reduce women dream, to make more accurate and less pronounced. Supple and taut priests can be achieved with the help of special exercise.  
 To make a flat ass, regularly perform some exercises.
For example, "toe lifting." To do this, stand on all fours and alternately lift each leg so that the thigh was parallel to the floor.

With the same purpose, lie on your back, placing his hands parallel to the body and legs bend at the knees. Then lift your pelvis off the floor, straining with the buttocks. Note that the upper back and arms should not come off the floor. In the same position, try to make some upward movement.

Another exercise is called "raising the knees." It also effectively strengthens muscles and is working area, located just above the priests. Stand up straight, placing feet shoulder width apart. Then alternately raise and lower each knee, trying to make it as high as possible. Raising his knee, try to stay a little longer on one leg.

Alternatively, you can try to "squat diverting the pelvis." To engage them to stand so that the feet are shoulder width apart and the feet are parallel to them. The left leg at the same time should be slightly behind the right. After taking the initial position, sit down, resting on the right leg and giving back the pelvis. Hands pull the front of the left foot, keep your back straight. Next, stand and move your weight on your right foot, and pull back left, raise your hands above your head. This exercise should be repeated 10 times, then change legs.

Sufficiently effective exercise "attacks the wheel." To do this, the left leg lunged forward, expanding at the same foot clockwise. After bend forward from the hips. During tilt your arms wide, as if you try to make the wheel. Freeze for a few seconds in this form, then stand up, retaining the position of the right leg. Take a step to the left, and then expand the toe of the foot outward. Sit down and lean to the left.

To pull priests also recommended every day to squat, run and do foot moves back. Please note it every day, not from time to time.

Tags: buttocks, exercise, pop