How to learn how to throw the ball in basketball

How to learn how to throw the ball in basketball
 Basketball - one of the most popular sports game. As in any game with the ball, it is important to make an accurate throw and reliable transmission of teammates. These skills are gained numerous workouts.
 Do throw with one hand - if right-handed, right, and if left-handed, left - the other side, hold the ball. Point the index and middle finger to the opposite side of the ring, and the elbow should look directly at the ring. Triceps are arranged parallel to the floor.

Put your right foot slightly in front, if you're going to throw a right hand. Bend your leg and make sure that she was heading towards the ring. This is done in order to make a good jump, and so you will be more comfortable.

Now make a throw. First a little jump, and throw the ball to hang. Straighten the elbow. Brushes make sudden movements to the ball flew higher and stronger. Look carefully where to throw. At the end of the brush roll should be directed upward - depends on the final position of the ball.

Coaches learn to guide the ball in front of or behind a basketball hoop. For a good throw ball flight should be carried out over a large arc. In direct throw little chance of entering the basket.

Try to guide the ball in the center of the ring. Note the position of the eye during the throw. See exactly where you want to go. Better to throw came from the head - the forehead.

Constantly training. Only through trial and error, you can achieve the required results. If you often repeat the exercises, learn how to throw the ball. The more you throw, the better technique.

Believe in your strength - a positive attitude is important in any sport. Every thought come close to success and constant progress.

Do not go with a workout until until you have completed the planned number of shots from each position. This habit distinguishes successful athletes from average performance.

Tags: ball throw