How to get to the bridge

How to get to the bridge
 Bridge or Bridge - basic gymnastic exercise that serves as the foundation for performing complex stunts in acrobatics. Very beautiful when viewed from the side and allows you to show others your level of physical fitness and flexibility.
 Before performing the bridge make sure to warm up, focusing on the back muscles and joints. Subsequently, when the Bridge will be for you a familiar element, you can do it without any preparation and demonstrate to others. But for beginners preliminary "warming up" is required. In addition, the success in the study of the bridge must be trained to carry out special preparatory exercises.

Exercise 1. Lie on your stomach, arms pull up. At the same time, raise your arms and legs, trying to bend as much as possible. Keep your knees straight. Try to hold this position at least 1 minute.

Exercise 2. Get on your knees, feet shoulder-width apart arrange, lift up your hands. smoothly bent over backwards trying to touch the hands of sex. Do this exercise for as long as the start to get to touch the floor with your fingertips.

Exercise 3: Lie on your stomach, hands put on the level of the hips and straighten. Arch your back. Then, bending your knees and raising his head touch the head toes.

Exercise 4: Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, bend your arms and put closer to the shoulders, elbows pointing upwards. from this position, gently straightening the arms and legs and arching back, try the bridge. Having reached its limit, lock the position for a few seconds.

Learn how to confidently carry out all preparatory exercises, including the latest - the bridge from a prone position, proceed to the development of the bridge from a standing position. If your workouts are held in the hall, go to the wall bars. If you exercise at home, select the space in the wall.

Standing with his back to the wall bars or a simple wall, put your hands up, feet shoulder-width apart arrange. From this start position tilted rearward until until hands touch the walls or wall bars. Continuing to bend and hand over hand on the wall bars or rails on the wall, drop to the gymnastic bridge. Fixing the bridge for a while, return to starting position, just hand over hand. Do this exercise to secure it.

The next stage - the output to the bridge without the aid of the wall. To do this, lay a gymnastic mat and initially ask the coach or assistant to insure you. Stand facing a coach or assistant, arrange legs shoulder-width apart, hands raise up. while the assistant should start to insure you for supporting the back. Make tilt back for a second pause in the slope and slowly lower in the bridge. Fixing the final position, push hands and through the slope, return to the starting position. Support from Partner refuse only when you are ready to perform this exercise yourself.

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