Then draw in different parts of the blade tip of the nail. If your nails were scratching, then sharpening skating is good.
Perform a visual inspection of skates. Substrate skate blade on the standard, when viewed in profile looks like a small groove with two edges. Levels of ribs must be equally and uniformly over the entire length of the blade. If the edges have shcherbinki, so low-quality steel, the use of such horses should be abandoned.
To perform follow-up audit will have to wear skates and get on the slippery ice. When you perform simple exercise - side bust and legs in any case should not slip, while skating during - to disperse in different directions.
Several times with a force push on the ice. If there is a slip - it's time to sharpen skates.
Try to perform a few turns on the move. Remember that in this activity, turns with sharpened skates run smoothly without disruption.
Generally believed that the need to sharpen skates twice a season for amateurs and once every 8-10 training for those who play hockey or learn the basics of figure skating.
If in doubt about the correctness of your assessment edge sharpness, show horses in the art, and they will determine the accuracy of the factory contour and the radius of the profile, and the need for changes.
Do not rush immediately to sharpen skates, often enough to remove burrs using a diamond wheel or sanded. Rough sharpening shortens the life of your inventory, and therefore resort to it only when you need it.